Pretty lame. My girlfriend and I watch Girls and I think she finds him attractive. I know in the beginning she thought he was repulsive but I think that was largely due to his character. I think he's an awesome actor and really like him in the Ren role--strictly based on facial features I have a tough time picturing him as being the genetic spawn of Leia and Han, but the scene with Han is one of the best in the movie. Find it kind of hard to watch though.
Adam Driver is a beautiful man and his attractiveness is scaled up with how good of an actor he is.
Adam Driver is a beautiful man and his attractiveness is scaled up with how good of an actor he is.
I am a guy too - so if some homophobe wants to out themselves - have at it.
Yes. Twice now. Time to get another username change... There are a handful of really odd people on here, just saying...
By the way, has anyone mentioned what the price on this (might) be? I'm almost afraid to ask.
Adam Driver is a beautiful man and his attractiveness is scaled up with how good of an actor he is.
I am a guy too - so if some homophobe wants to out themselves - have at it.
That's an amazing complete package. Wish the sixth scale had all that
At the end of this YouTube video, it shows the back briefly and to me it looks like it is sewn together :/ I could be wrong though.That's an amazing complete package. Wish the sixth scale had all that.
Have there been any shots of the back of the robes? Curious if they're separated at he back. One of the weaker spots on the 1/6 Ren.
At the end of this YouTube video, it shows the back briefly and to me it looks like it is sewn together :/ I could be wrong though.