Re: 1/4 Hot Toys QS Iron Man 3: Mark XLII Collectible Figure

I like how some people talk about Hot Toys like they're this evil empire or something. I don't think that they snatch up licenses just to spite other manufacturers. They buy licenses that have potential to sell but I think the big problem they have is being so busy with Marvel, Star Wars, and DC. Like it or not those are what make them money and that's where their focus lies. To me it almost seems like they could have different divisions that focus on different things or possibly expand. Obviously I don't know what that would require of them but in ways it feels like they take on more than they can realistically get to.
Evil empire may be pushing it, however the shady crap they do doesn't make them Angels. It doesn't matter if other companies do it, it's still effed up. I understand the whole mentality of "eliminating" the competition...but at least produce something while you're out there locking up licenses right? Could it be a case of biting off more than they can chew? It may very well be...but whose fault is that? If that truly was the case and they couldn't handle it all, rather than do the right thing by fans of certain franchises by leaving it to some other promising start up company take a crack at it, they license hog, therefore leaving said start up company to look elsewhere to make a name for themselves. That's what they're doing.
I remember in an interview with Howard where he explicitly states his frustration of companies being loose with their IPs. It was a long time ago, but he was talking about either marvel (before Disney acquisition) or DC and the way they allowed other companies to make 1/6 scale product. In other words, he was unhappy there was competition.
It's the nature of business. Either undercutting one another, or prevent the other from getting a foot through the door. It happens all the effin time...but it doesn't make it less messed up. It's the norm, the standard...but for the love of Christ, if they're gonna ****-block other companies, at least make something! If they don't intend to, then forfeit and stick to what is working for them! Don't punish the fans because of some stupid **** measuring contest.
As for the fans...Before HT secured the big guns I.e Dc and Marvel, they had aliens and predator (I don't think their first terminator figure was "legal"...but whatever). It was because of those fans were they able to rise in power. Sure they had moderate success with their military line...but cmon, aliens and predator! But now they focus on the new kid on the block, the hot girl that moved in next door...ok who wouldn't right? Anyway...
Aliens, predator, and terminator don't bring in the numbers an Iron man or a Batman do...but those numbers are nothing to scoff at.