the translucent figs in the back are cool are they customs?
when are we getting the gunmetal mark iii die cast re-release is what im wonderin
the translucent figs in the back are cool are they customs?
Do we have any idea when this is being released in the U.S.?
I got a shipping soon notice yesterday stating they will charge my card on Monday, October 24th.
I already ask SSC to move my flex pay date up to Nov 5th.
My flex pay goes through december. I might have to change it to pay it off in full here soon.
I got a shipping soon notice yesterday stating they will charge my card on Monday, October 24th.
I saw another video where budget stark talked about custom Iron Men that can be purchased in Hong Kong. I think he said people disassemble a Hot Toys Iron Man and copy the parts.
cool man darn it now I have to go to the ebays and find one
cool man darn it now I have to go to the ebays and find one