Super Freak
Screw the batmobile I want a batwing!
Sent from Le iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk - now Free
Sent from Le iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk - now Free
Honestly after seeing the film as cool as this Batmobile looks I wouldn't want it. It really doesn't get a lot of use.
Honestly after seeing the film as cool as this Batmobile looks I wouldn't want it. It really doesn't get a lot of use.
The Tumbler overall is a cooler looking vehicle in my opinion. Yeah this new version is more refined and has a slightly more Batmobile look but The Tumbler just had more of a presence in my opinion.True. I was,expecting this vehicle to be super impressive. Somehow I still like a Tumbler better
Screw the batmobile I want a batwing!
Sent from Le iPhone 6 Plus using Tapatalk - now Free
It also wasn't mostly CGI
Yeah, it's only in that scene and it was a lame CGI filled chase at that. It's like they thought "damn, we have Batman in this, we need a Batmobile" and they just threw it in here for that scene alone. Seemed frivolous and uninspired when you consider the fact that he was tracking the truck/kryptonite with his tracker and could have just infiltrated LexCorp to steal the kryptonite stealthily . . . like he ended up doing in the end, anyway.
I got a feeling the Batmobile will be handled better in Suicide Squad, atleast I hope so.
Yeah, it's only in that scene and it was a lame CGI filled chase at that. It's like they thought "damn, we have Batman in this, we need a Batmobile" and they just threw it in here for that scene alone. Seemed frivolous and uninspired when you consider the fact that he was tracking the truck/kryptonite with his tracker and could have just infiltrated LexCorp to steal the kryptonite stealthily . . . like he ended up doing in the end, anyway.
I got a feeling the Batmobile will be handled better in Suicide Squad, atleast I hope so.
The only time this Batmobile was CG was when it was airborne and when it was driving back through the lake and tunnel to Wayne's house. They actually built 3 practical Batmobiles, and each could drive (Ben actually drove them a lot himself). One even had an actual firing gun turret (blanks, of course).