1/6 Hot Toys - Iron Man 3 - Diecast MMS198D03 War Machine Mark 2

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Nightclub is black in a lot of photos I see of it online. I thought it looked pretty sweet in the movie in red. Hope Hot Toys does the red version.
what is the point of this figure? It's NOT EVEN IN THE MOVIE.....geez....does this not bug anybody else? Maybe it's just me. And it's a complete repaint of the IP.

What's the point of anything? I still want it Im just waiting for a really good price.
I think this will be his suit in AOU from the pictures of the Hasbro War Machine I saw. Its exactly the same.
There's a War Machine on ebay currently for $200 + $19.95 shipping. Probably won't be there for long!
Wasn't my figure... Just thought someone might want it at a great price. While I haven't posted here I read a lot of threads and have bought a couple of items off of members here (for good prices) and thought I would return the favor. Did I break any forum rules?
There were rumors that he'll have Mark 3 in AoU, but it hasn't been confirmed... The only thing we have to go on is the arm/glove piece Rhody wears in the long version of the first trailer... I believe someone said it doesn't look like it's from Mark 2, but I never looked closely enough to compare.

I wouldn't mind WM mkIII going back to the bulkier look that the V1 had. When Mk II isn't colored red, white, and blue, it just looks too slick for a War Machine. I want the "tank" to "Tony's Ferrari", or whatever the example used was back then:lol
I don't think WM needs to be more bulky......technology always gets smaller...........but he needs a boat load of guns, missles and ****.
I don't think WM needs to be more bulky......technology always gets smaller...........but he needs a boat load of guns, missles and ****.

That's what Iron Man's for. What's the point of trying to be a military weapon called War Machine if you're just wanting to look like one of Stark's armors he keeps stashed?

But I'm fine with whatever as long as we see him suited up and in action in AoU. I'm surprised there hasn't been other leaked shots or confirmation but I did see this.
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This little toy is leading me to believe we are finally goinging to see this armor on the big screen.

Posted this a few pages back.....better start liking skinny/streamlined War Machine....lol. My wallet loves me for this.....one less figure that I have to buy.......already got 5 of those Mark 2 War Machines.:rock2
I wouldn't mind WM mkIII going back to the bulkier look that the V1 had. When Mk II isn't colored red, white, and blue, it just looks too slick for a War Machine. I want the "tank" to "Tony's Ferrari", or whatever the example used was back then:lol

You may want to wait for May 2016 then *hint hint* :wink1: All I will say is, the shoulder pods will be making a comeback.
2016.....so your talking about the CW Cap movie? I'm just hoping my streamlined version fits into my Avengers 2 lineup.
The CW network is doing a Cap movie? Hopefully Green Arrow and Flash make cameos!

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