Super Freak
Nice looking Vader.
I always felt that ESB/ROTJ was the official Darth Vader look and ANH was somewhat a
Prototype not as polished. I really like this new ESB Vader however in 1/6, I am a fan of the dull unpolished “cheaper” look of ANH. It’s almost “battle damaged” if that makes any sense. View attachment 424477
I love my ANH Vader, with V2 gloves. I’m sure he’ll look all kinds of wrong to all you Vader experts out there, but to me he just looks like Vader!!
Totally agree guys. Once I got my degree in Vaderology and discovered their where different looks, I preferred the ANH version. Don't care at all for the super clean glossy look. Like cars for example..I'd rather have something like that matte black Mad Max car or a DeLorean. I know, I know..birds & humans adore shinny things, but it's not for me. Plus, it makes Vader look more toy-ish looking & regal. My V1 Vader w/RO gloves, belt & chest boxes will always be my favorite Vader figure. Never-the-less, got to still get me a shinny Vader for my display.I am a fan of the dull unpolished “cheaper” look of ANH. It’s almost “battle damaged” if that makes any sense.
This is my first HT Vader and he certainly has some wow factor, imo. Stoked!
Have you guys tried it in IKEA Detolf? Does it fit and/or with other figures next to it?
Got him today, and I personally think it's a great figure, yes it has its flaws but it has the presence of vader and its a quality made piece, the no neck look can be fixed with simple posing, and the weird tusks aren't as noticeable in person and under certain lighting. The dome constantly falling off which bothers people is a non issue for me, it sits on well by just applying a bit of pressure and would only pop of while handing the figure, so I'd advise removing it if changing the pose.
Overall it's a great figure, the base makes up for the flaws I think, it's a great piece of you've not already own a vader which was the case with me, I sold my sideshow one many years ago. Here are some pics..
Why is he gazing at the sky?
I also sold my Sideshow Vader (Deluxe with Anakin head) so i could get this one. How do they compare to you?
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