1/6 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 452 - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

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I don't know dude. I don't have a problem with it but then again I don't over-analyze every centimeter of Darth Vader. The figure it looks amazing that's good enough for me. I will never display at ugly scar over the helmet of Vader. you go ahead and keep wondering why a scar on the back of the head doesn't perfectly match up with the real thing.

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You don't need to study Vader to see how wrong HT made the reveal aspect.


It's a conundrum because the ROTJ Shaw head was probably totally gray. That may explain why they opted to go this route. However I agree with you, it should be how it looks in ESB, since this is directly from this scene.

And as far as the 'two people that would display it w/o the helmet off' comment, people paid for this option, shouldn't it be accurate to what inspired it?
i cannot believe the amount of nit picking going on in here. i came in here to see peoples poses and instead there is a constant bickering about millimeters worth of inaccuracies. you people have lost perspective on life. the amount of sheer time wasted on this topic is mind numbing. its a toy. you people want a perfectly crafted figure at a perfect 1/6th scale for $250? It will never be perfect at that price. There is only so much a toy maker can do. get over it already. this figure is just fine.


I don't know, to me it's strange that we're fine with nitpicking the likenesses of characters like Han, Luke, or Chewie for hundreds of pages, but for the most iconic villain in movie history people are just like "Eh, that's close enough."

It's like, really? I realize we sometimes have to make peace with what HT gives us, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't point out the obvious flaws that exist. Especially when we've seen how much better their stuff can look when they put the effort in.

And for those who are griping about the nitpicks on these Vader figures, let me ask you this: what type of reputation do you think Hot Toys would have if they routinely screwed up head proportions on every figure the way they do with Vader? The reason Vader gets scrutinized so much is because he's the crown jewel in a lot of people's SW (or general movie) collections. At nearly $300 a pop, it'd be nice to have an HT Vader that looks as convincing as an HT Iron Man, or even a freakin' HT Count Dooku.

HT doesn't need to make a better Vader because every one of them sells out. And then if they came to forums like this one and pop into this thread, they'd see people laughing at the nitpicks and talking about how great their new $300 Vader looks. If I were HT, I probably wouldn't bother trying to make Vader figures more accurate either. What for? The people who raise the criticisms are the ones who get criticized for pointing things out.

With the latest Boba Fett figure, the helmet got changed from the proto - and for the better. Why? Because "minor" inaccuracies on the same level as this Vader were being pointed out instead of just happily accepting another "good enough for me" version. And everyone who bought that Fett is better off for it.

Exactly. Things evolve in time. Why not help in making them evolve the right way. HT listens to customers from time to time, Sideshow and other companies don't. There are people who are interested in the smallest details of a certain thing, be it a collectible, an experiment involving protons and neutrons, or a chef looking for the proper butter for his dish. I like talking about props and their minute details, how they were made back them by the talented ILM artists (less about 1:6 and more about 1:1 though).

Will a figure be ever perfectly representing all the details from a 1:1 costume? No, and I don't mind that. But if there are improvements that can be made I don't mind reading about that either. I modded a few of my collectibles making them more accurate. So if someone doesn't like the nitpicks, he can just scroll down, avoiding those posts. Personally I find more annoying the endless quoting of multiple pics one after another in the same page...
Then why even include it then, especially if its so inaccurate to what we saw onscreen?:dunno:slap

That feature's the reason the dome seating is the way it is, and the reason why you can see the bolts/greeblies from the front view when it's never like that onscreen.

I doubt they really expected people to display it that way. It was probably just meant to be an extra cool detail to make the figure seem a bit more impressive somehow. Just like the extra detail they always put under the armor of Iron Man figures that never goes seen.
I don't know dude. I don't have a problem with it but then again I don't over-analyze every centimeter of Darth Vader. The figure it looks amazing that's good enough for me. I will never display at ugly scar over the helmet of Vader. you go ahead and keep wondering why a scar on the back of the head doesn't perfectly match up with the real thing.

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So then why do you come here if not to see the views of many passionate collectors who enjoy talking about both the good and the bad? If you want a pep rally for HT & Disney Star Wars, then surely this isn't the place. If you like looking at pictures, then simply just do that and ignore the written words. Plus there are many other venues. Simple google searches, facebook, instagram, amazing reviews on sites such as Rebelscum & Jeditemplearchives. And of course, you could always simply follow the youtube reviewers that love everything when in fact they don't know **** about the product they are viewing nor bother to do research about it to understand if it is even correct or not. The ones that only care about kissing ass for free ****, the number of views and subscribers they get, and in turn would review a turd if it made them more popular.

This place has members with a wealth of knowledge and information and many times have an archive of images to back up their statements. Their opinion doesn't mean you have to agree nor either like or dislike the item in question based on their views. It's your dollar, spend how you will.

Sorry for the rant, and this really isn't directed solely at you, but many members on here get insulted when what they love is "nitpicked" and broken apart. Or don't understand the passion and frustration some collectors have in their prized possessions. People shouldn't comment about others feelings if you are gonna be condescending and trying to make people feel ****, silly, or ashamed of their OCD (which ALL collectors have to one extent or another). We are all here for sharing the same or a similar passion.

I'm a huge Vader fan, but I can't have it all. Very few can. SO I like to be smarter with my money and the space I have available to display this stuff. While there are many things off with this ESB Vader, there is also good. My simple opinion and personal feelings are just that, mine. I feel as if I will just wait and hold out for a ROTJ figure. Which will undoubtedly be coming. ESB & ROTJ Vader are nearly identical, much more so than ANH or ROTS. I can live without the base.
I think we can divide 1/6 figure collectors into roughly the following two groups:

Group 1 - Want as highly accurate and detailed 1/6 scaled miniature figure for display as possible.

Group 2 - Want a nice looking figure for display.

What i find curious is how it's usually the later telling the former how to enjoy their hobby and what to post in this forum.

- "If you don't like it, don't buy it..."

- "Enough with the nitpicking; they're only toys..."

- "Get a life..."

I have been in this hobby for many, many years. I started with G.I. Joes as a kid and collected Hasbro Star Wars 12" figures, 21st Century, Dragon/DML, BBI/Blue Box, Sideshow and finally Hot Toys. Each company was subsequently better in quality, detailing and accuracy. it was that higher level of fidelity in detailing and accuracy to the 1:1 design that kept me in the hobby. I come from a scale modeling background and it was the detailing found in these figures that drew me in, in the first place.

I have a feeling that the majority of those telling the "rivet counters" to knock it off simply do not understand, appreciate or even care about the accuracy issues that have driven the other group's enjoyment of their hobby. Perhaps they are mostly new to 1/6 figure collecting. Perhaps they are simply unaware of the hobby in general and the different facets that drive it.

The fact that we have a forum to discuss the minutia of these figures is wonderful. It's what this and all other 1/6 figure forums were founded on. It is why there are customizing sections throughout these forums. It is why people sell their older figures in order to purchase the newer release.

Perhaps we should all be collecting Hasbro 12" Star Wars figures, as the characters are easily recognizable on the shelf and vastly less expensive...
You don't need to study Vader to see how wrong HT made the reveal aspect.


For the two times I'm like to remove the helmet, I'm definitely going to be painting the back of the head to match that sick pic.

The mystery of what his face looked like was always intriguing for the first 6 years, taunted after 3 with that truly horrific tease. Then... we got Wizard of Oz with eyebrows.
Shaw with baby powder on his face kinda did not live up to the tease in ESB, but I get them having a heavy hitter with a relatable fatherly appearance for that scene over Kentucky fried Anakin.
@loki2371 I'll make it short, and with all due respect: do you like to come here and read about the same complaints every third page? I mean we already know that the helmet is inaccurate, and where, don't we?
Shaw with baby powder on his face kinda did not live up to the tease in ESB, but I get them having a heavy hitter with a relatable fatherly appearance for that scene over Kentucky fried Anakin.

Yeah, I get it. Better for the kiddies -- and for the space opera fantasy that it truly is. But he looked much nastier in my child's imagination back then.
That’s a bummer HT didn’t do a proper reveal. Total waste of effort really. All it did was increase the cost with a useless feature and apparently made the helmet design a booger to pose.

The helmet will always stay on in my permanent display anyways but it’d still be nice to have it accurate for those that would use it.
I think we can divide 1/6 figure collectors into roughly the following two groups:

Group 1 - Want as highly accurate and detailed 1/6 scaled miniature figure for display as possible.

Group 2 - Want a nice looking figure for display.

What i find curious is how it's usually the later telling the former how to enjoy their hobby and what to post in this forum.

- "If you don't like it, don't buy it..."

- "Enough with the nitpicking; they're only toys..."

- "Get a life..."

I have been in this hobby for many, many years. I started with G.I. Joes as a kid and collected Hasbro Star Wars 12" figures, 21st Century, Dragon/DML, BBI/Blue Box, Sideshow and finally Hot Toys. Each company was subsequently better in quality, detailing and accuracy. it was that higher level of fidelity in detailing and accuracy to the 1:1 design that kept me in the hobby. I come from a scale modeling background and it was the detailing found in these figures that drew me in, in the first place.

I have a feeling that the majority of those telling the "rivet counters" to knock it off simply do not understand, appreciate or even care about the accuracy issues that have driven the other group's enjoyment of their hobby. Perhaps they are mostly new to 1/6 figure collecting. Perhaps they are simply unaware of the hobby in general and the different facets that drive it.

The fact that we have a forum to discuss the minutia of these figures is wonderful. It's what this and all other 1/6 figure forums were founded on. It is why there are customizing sections throughout these forums. It is why people sell their older figures in order to purchase the newer release.

Perhaps we should all be collecting Hasbro 12" Star Wars figures, as the characters are easily recognizable on the shelf and vastly less expensive...

I'm with you bro. It would be different if they messed up the shin guards or boots or a greeblie on the costume, but the helmet is pretty inexcusable for Vader. It's the very first thing we will look at.

And you're right, where else can I praise or complain about a toy? My fiance? No way.

When hot toys first announced this license (2011 or 2012?) this was the very first figure I thought of. So forgive me if I'm disappointed in how it turned out. No it's not the end of the world.
I think we can divide 1/6 figure collectors into roughly the following two groups:

Group 1 - Want as highly accurate and detailed 1/6 scaled miniature figure for display as possible.

Group 2 - Want a nice looking figure for display.

What i find curious is how it's usually the later telling the former how to enjoy their hobby and what to post in this forum.

- "If you don't like it, don't buy it..."

- "Enough with the nitpicking; they're only toys..."

- "Get a life..."

Yeah I've noticed that too, and it always seems odd to me how people seem to take person offense at criticism of a figure they like or own.

And sure sometimes the criticisms in here can get a bit repetitive, but they're easy enough to scroll past and it's not like we're forced to read every post. :D
So you all have this figure in hand, yes?

That's the thing. Majority of the people nitpicking do not have it in hand, aka don't really know what they're talking about. Nothing wrong with nitpicking, its a not so hidden purpose of the forum and there are things to nitpick as people with the figure has pointed out - what gets old are people not owning the figure beating the dead horse over and over because they want to justify to themselves and others reasons not to get it or why Vader figure X, Y or Z is better in their eyes.

It just gets old and makes for very boring reading to scroll past between interesting posts, for me at least its nothing to do with getting mad over people criticizing a figure I happen to have bought, if I like something I'm perfectly fine with people thinking it is a pile of garbage, just say it once or twice then move on to threads about stuff thats enjoyable.. lingering here to repeatedly complain when not even owning or seen the figure in hand just to keep justifying why not getting it or why ye olde kaiyodo mask is Gods gift to humanity makes for a lower quality forum experience.

For an experiment, look through the thread and see how many people owning this Vader thinks its good in hand vs how many going "I'll be returning this pile of garbage" ..the writings on the wall.

Agree on the picture quotes :lol
@loki2371 I'll make it short, and with all due respect: do you like to come here and read about the same complaints every third page? I mean we already know that the helmet is inaccurate, and where, don't we?

Sure, it can get tiring. But I don't need to call people out or try to belittle them. I guess you don't go into the movie/tv discussion section. Talk about repetition and beating a dead horse... :lol But it doesn't bother me. It's part of the fun. And I don't have to read everyone's post.

Sure, it can get tiring. But I don't need to call people out or try to belittle them. I guess you don't go into the movie/tv discussion section. Talk about repetition and beating a dead horse... :lol But it doesn't bother me. It's part of the fun. And I don't have to read everyone's post.


Well, I guess I better not go there then :lol
:lol welcome to the interwebz guys :lol

Who cares what anyone says about your expensive toys? As long as your happy with what you have, that's all that matters :duff
Ung...I recently bought the Rogue one Vader, and I'm torn whether to pack him up and sell and get this version.
Really love R1, but kinda torn, cause I think V2 looks great.

For those that have both v2 and R1, are they both in terms of being shiny, the same, or is R1 more shiny?
One of the things I love about the R1 is the super glossy finish.
And it appears the v2 is about the same?
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For an experiment, look through the thread and see how many people owning this Vader thinks its good in hand vs how many going "I'll be returning this pile of garbage" ..the writings on the wall.

Agree on the picture quotes :lol

Well I'm sure many of the people who kept their order probably didn't see much of an issue with the figure to start with. Or maybe they just feel like the overall figure and display easily make up for any innacuracies (which is a sentiment I've heard in a few reviews).

I mean I think TLJ Rey makes for a really cool overall figure too, and it's one of my current favorites, but that doesn't mean I still don't recognize that something is a bit off with the likeness.