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Thanks, guys for being patient with my endless questions :D

And who is asgardianboy and why am I being compared to him :D
Mine just arrived. I'm a bit nervous about it. All the squawking on this thing has me wondering if I'll love or hate it. I'll soon be unboxing it.

Nice shots matrix!

I do think they show the inaccuracies of the HT Vader, and what makes your custom so good.

You achieved the pose perfecty to compare the proportions of the mask/dome and shoulder armor to the rest of the body between the figure and movie:

Mine just arrived. I'm a bit nervous about it. All the squawking on this thing has me wondering if I'll love or hate it. I'll soon be unboxing it.

This is why a proper unboxing is done alone, with a glass of whiskey and tissues for tears.
That reference pic is a little misleading, it's of TaliBanes modified Vader. He doesn't come straight out of the box looking like that unfortunately. Still a nice Vader, and impressive on the shelf no doubt, but it'll take some work to get him that accurate (especially in the nose area).

Not sure if you're aware, but Matrix's HT ANH Vader for example (in the comp pics) has significant mods to the helmet, that is shown next to an unmodded HT ESB Vader.

ALL 1/6 Vader helmets currently available need quite a bit of work to get them movie accurate. WasteTimeContinuum and Matrix have done amazing things with both the HT and Kaiyodo sculpts. The drawbacks on the HT ESB helmet are still being discussed/debated (for me, most are linked to HT's dumb decision to use a ROTJ reveal brace/helmet sculpt and simply glue it together) while the HT ANH/RO helmet drawbacks have already been discussed thoroughly.

In terms of the nose mod, both HT Vader sculpts have somewhat significant nose issues that require "surgery" - the ESB is too small, the ANH/RO has a nose plug that creates a weird look. I extended the ESB nose downward, and on the ANH/RO sculpt I removed the nose plug and slid it further back (you can also, like Matrix, remove the plug entirely and push some putty in to create a more accurate curve/look.)

And to be clear, I posted the comp pics to evaluate how HT did on the cheeks, eye shape, mouth, dome etc sculpts. Which is all unaltered obviously. The ESB helmet looked pretty bad to me out of the box, but, like the HT ANH, with work it might be made pretty good.

I see.

Would you say ANH/Tarkin Vader is more screen accurate to ANH than ESB Vader is to ESB?

Unmodded, out of the box, in terms of finish and overall look, not really. When I first saw the HT ANH sculpt (as the original V.1) it really didn't look/feel much like onscreen ANH Vader at all - which is a very unique look for Vader (the mixture of handbrushed gunmetal, weathering, matte over gloss.)

The HT ESB at least has a really high-gloss, quality finish that is very ESB, though to me the black/gun-metal contrast isn't prominent enough. In terms of underlying sculpt, they both have issues - both of them, out of the box, felt pretty off to me.
Didn't end up needing the whiskey or the tissue. To be honest, very few photos have done this thing justice. I was ready to open it and sell it. Man was I wrong. lol Once I peeled the plastic clamshell back it was a whole other story. All the the nitpicks melted away and I no longer see the big deal. The bigger surprise was that he didn't look like a cosplayer in an oversized suit in hand. Now I know just how screwy pics can make this look.

Thanks for posting, Matrix. Your are a champion with these pics.:clap

So RO Vader is the same 14" tall that the original Sideshow ANH Vader was? That RO fig seems to have taller/longer legs than the ANH version.

My assumption about Vader's height has always been between 13" and 13 1/4", which means your custom is about right.
Not sure if you're aware, but Matrix's HT ANH Vader for example (in the comp pics) has significant mods to the helmet, that is shown next to an unmodded HT ESB Vader.

ALL 1/6 Vader helmets currently available need quite a bit of work to get them movie accurate. WasteTimeContinuum and Matrix have done amazing things with both the HT and Kaiyodo sculpts. The drawbacks on the HT ESB helmet are still being discussed/debated (for me, most are linked to HT's dumb decision to use a ROTJ reveal brace/helmet sculpt and simply glue it together) while the HT ANH/RO helmet drawbacks have already been discussed thoroughly.

In terms of the nose mod, both HT Vader sculpts have somewhat significant nose issues that require "surgery" - the ESB is too small, the ANH/RO has a nose plug that creates a weird look. I extended the ESB nose downward, and on the ANH/RO sculpt I removed the nose plug and slid it further back (you can also, like Matrix, remove the plug entirely and push some putty in to create a more accurate curve/look.)

And to be clear, I posted the comp pics to evaluate how HT did on the cheeks, eye shape, mouth, dome etc sculpts. Which is all unaltered obviously. The ESB helmet looked pretty bad to me out of the box, but, like the HT ANH, with work it might be made pretty good.

Unmodded, out of the box, in terms of finish and overall look, not really. When I first saw the HT ANH sculpt (as the original V.1) it really didn't look/feel much like onscreen ANH Vader at all - which is a very unique look for Vader (the mixture of handbrushed gunmetal, weathering, matte over gloss.)

The HT ESB at least has a really high-gloss, quality finish that is very ESB, though to me the black/gun-metal contrast isn't prominent enough. In terms of underlying sculpt, they both have issues - both of them, out of the box, felt pretty off to me.

Im fully aware of all the innacuracies on both HT Vader helmets, and most of the fantastic work done by the members here to improve them. But I’ll admit I wasnt aware that matrix’s comparison pic was modded honestly, was looking at that post on my phone and missed the finer details.

I do have to say that your nose mod has been the biggest improvement I’ve seen on the ESB sculpt yet though. It really does help with the huge mouth, which is the issue that stands out to me the most on this figure :duff
Didn't end up needing the whiskey or the tissue. To be honest, very few photos have done this thing justice. I was ready to open it and sell it. Man was I wrong. lol Once I peeled the plastic clamshell back it was a whole other story. All the the nitpicks melted away and I no longer see the big deal. The bigger surprise was that he didn't look like a cosplayer in an oversized suit in hand. Now I know just how screwy pics can make this look.

Yeah my experience too. Except I was'nt very worried to begin with, too hyped for the release. Have fun!
Don't forget ALL HT Vader heads are oversized quite a bit. (don't make me post that picture of mine again)

That's why people like the seemingly smallish Kaiyodo -- because its actually correct scale.
I'd say that would be my only real nitpick. Be it the dome or the overall size his noggin looks huge.
Quick question - does ANH (Tarkin) Vader has only paint issues on the helmet and are there actual shape/size inaccuraries (as ESB Vader has)?
Thank you!

Also - if you could measure in % on how accurate Vader's ESB helmet is to ESB, what number would you come up with (considering the widow's peak and tusk alignment)?
Hard to say with all the helmets as everyone here has stated. I’ve modded my helmets except for the RO. Inaccuracies + OCD usually equals modifications.
Thank you!

Also - if you could measure in % on how accurate Vader's ESB helmet is to ESB, what number would you come up with (considering the widow's peak and tusk alignment)?

That depends on who you ask. For some, widow's peak is a huge matter, for me it's below 5%. The point is, as everyone said, not a single figure is flawless. Rather than depending on others' verdicts on which part is more important than the other-which is highly subjective- you should decide on your own. Don't forget, you are collecting for yourself, not for us or any other person. Take other's knowledge, but not their preferences, otherwise it may make you dissatisfied at the end.

Consider this. Let's say majority said tusk issue is %1. But if it bothers you most, you will be unhappy for that issue. The fact that it is not important for others won't make you happy. You will still be annoyed for it. Personally, I don't like the split tusk bars and the tusk angle. But still, most annoying thing for me is size of chest armor which does not have anything to do with accuracy.
I see, thanks for explaining.

Due to my OCD, I also prefer not to mod any figures, in fear of both accidentally breaking them or messing with the "stock" look (thus making them even more inaccurate).

I just want to be sure that the majority of the helmet (and overall suit) is accurate to ESB as much as possible - simply want to have a movie specific Vader that is closely to the film as possible (even with small inaccuracies).

But getting assurance for the most hardcore fans and collectors here eases my fear of "inaccuracy". Getting the figure that has the least inaccuracies compared to its film will make me not worry or think too much about it.