Super Freak
Nice Matrix 

Why do you keep needing other people to tell you whether it’s accurate enough or whether you should buy it? Do your own research. Make your own decisions.
Thank you!
Looks quite accurate to me.
Why are there all the complaints, then (these complaints is what triggers my OCD that whenever i look at him, I will know he isn't exactly accurate, because someone who is more keen on these details knows so...) ?
Would you say ANH/Tarkin Vader is more screen accurate to ANH than ESB Vader is to ESB?
More accurate answer: it depends.
No. I am the expert that Vader0706 wants and, more importantly, deserves. He needs answers, not indecisive mumbo-jumbo. Give asgardi-- I mean, give the man what he wants. Answers. Definitive, concise, non-OCD answers so he can sleep at night.