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My R1 Vader is on the way and i really want an ESB Vader, too...

But the last 100 pages here are from people complaining about the helmet inaccuracies to ESB and i really have an OCD for that...

What would you recommend me? Is there ever going to be another ESB Vader from HT?

My favourite SW film is ESB and i want a Vader specifically from that film. But to know that he is exactly as in the film and not that there are tusk inalignments, widow peak, etc...
People here are like that. We like to complain :lol with what we are paying for these things it's only natural.

I have esb Vader and I agree with the nitpicks, they are there but in hand a lot less noticeable. Easily my favourite 1:6 Vader by far.

No comparison at all to my old SS deluxe who looks awful next to him. I apparently got lucky tho and my tusks are correct and the mask is glued properly together so the tube and lower lip gap is hardly noticeable.

I also prefer the shiny cyborg Empire/Rotj look with a sharper finish so he looks better to me then the rogue one for example, who with the anh Vader up close has a softer more insect like look upclose.

Getting either one of the RO or ESB Vaders you will be good, both great figures. If you read the last 100 pages you will actually see most people liking the figure. I do not see another esb Vader from hot toys. Probably a ROTJ one coming, but no guarantees it will be an improvement.

Afaik only esb figure and the harder to get kaiyodo have the back head reveal and details, that's also something to consider if you're OCD for movie accuracy.
OMG dude! Nobody can make your decisions for you! Read about it, look at the pictures, and decide whether you like it enough to buy it.

As I’ve said more than once to you already, there is NO completely screen accurate Vader figure, from any of the films. It DOESNT EXIST. In any scale. They ALL have compromises/innacuracies/what-have-you.

Despite your claims to OCD, if you can’t look at the figure yourself and tell what’s inaccurate, then just enjoy it for what it is. Why do you keep needing other people to tell you whether it’s accurate enough or whether you should buy it? Do your own research. Make your own decisions.
Thanks for the advice and apologies if i repeat myself.

I would just feel better about my purchase if an expert and more keen on the details person tells me it's screen accurate.

Also, is there a version out there with proper tusk alignment?

And despite the small stuff, the helmet is still quite accurate to the ESB look, right?
Have a look.





Thank you!

Looks quite accurate to me.

Why are there all the complaints, then (these complaints is what triggers my OCD that whenever i look at him, I will know he isn't exactly accurate, because someone who is more keen on these details knows so...) ?
All personal preference. I love the figure and others hate it. If you like the looks of it then purchase.

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Thank you!

Looks quite accurate to me.

Why are there all the complaints, then (these complaints is what triggers my OCD that whenever i look at him, I will know he isn't exactly accurate, because someone who is more keen on these details knows so...) ?

That reference pic is a little misleading, it's of TaliBanes modified Vader. He doesn't come straight out of the box looking like that unfortunately. Still a nice Vader, and impressive on the shelf no doubt, but it'll take some work to get him that accurate (especially in the nose area).
Oh let us stir his mind like cackling witches stirring the cauldron a few more times

More accurate answer: it depends.

Do the tusk angle, slightly small nose, and oversized chest/shoulder armor on ESB bother you more? Or does the completely innacurate gunmetal/black paint pattern on the mask, wrong color shoulder bells, innacurate silver belt button, and too tall height of the Tarkin two pack Vader bother you more?

It’s ALWAYS a compromise. NONE of them are perfect.

For my money, the Rogue One and ESB are the two most accurate overall figures out of the box. I’ve got the ESB and am more than happy with it. I’m well aware of its innaccuracies, but posed up on the shelf they melt away and he looks great. The stand really adds to his presentation too. I mean, look at Matrix’s photos in this thread. As far as I know, his is unmodded and his photos really show what this guy looks like out of the box and futzed properly. My own photos are also straight outta the box, but my photography skills don’t come close to Matrix’s.
No. I am the expert that Vader0706 wants and, more importantly, deserves. He needs answers, not indecisive mumbo-jumbo. Give asgardi-- I mean, give the man what he wants. Answers. Definitive, concise, non-OCD answers so he can sleep at night.


Don’t forget to add that at the end. :lol