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I am not specialist on the subject. Apart from those, my main concern is wide chest armor. But I am not sure if this can be considered as accuracy.
Personally, the inaccurate paint schemes on the ANH versions would drive me nuts, so they were never a consideration for me. But to each their own.

yes I bought a ANH V2 (Tarkin 2 pack) helmet just to check it out and the paint scheme seems really off compared to the R1 I have.

i kept the R1 helmet on the figure
Matrix, even if you don’t love the figure, your photos are just phenomenal. He looks flipping fantastic in every one of them. HT should get you to do their promo photos.
Retook a couple of pics that hopefully got rid of lens distortion, and also did a few side-by-sides with ESB/ROTJ screenshots. Obviously lighting, angle and lens are going to be slightly off in the comp pics. I think it shows both the strengths and the weaknesses of the HT ESB sculpt, and the cheek, mouth and eyes issues.





Pretty colors.

With so much attention on Vader's silver nose, now it sticks out to me like... well...

Vader, the chrome-nosed villain... had a very shiny nose... and if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows...
Haha, jokes aside, though.

Another question - what HT SW figure is most movie accurate (excluding Vader - other characters too) ?


Despite the tubes and widow peak, is the rest like it appears in ESB?

And which Vader would you say appears the most like in his respective films, with the least inaccuracies?

M? Is that you?
Bootlegs are a little underscaled as far as I know. Maybe a chest armor and shoulder pads from a bootleg look proportional on the figure.
Hi, just a question. The gaunlets of this new ESB Darth Vader can be used in the ANH oner? They fit and look well?
Hi, just a question. The gaunlets of this new ESB Darth Vader can be used in the ANH oner? They fit and look well?

They can be used but they are the wrong type and style for a new Hope. They are both different types of style lock in shape so they won't match up with a new Hope Vader if you what do o keep it accurate to the film.

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Hi, just a question. The gaunlets of this new ESB Darth Vader can be used in the ANH oner? They fit and look well?

The stitching up the forearm goes different directions in the two movies. So it won’t look accurate.
ANH look similar to this:

ESB look similar to this: