Super Freak
I'm pretty sure the box at the back of his belt is for the chest.
I'm pretty sure the box at the back of his belt is for the chest.
Definately not tempted. One thing HT fails to get correct is a girthy, big Vader.
In sixth scale I'll stick with what I have.
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Let me guess, more foam padding that prevents his arms from going up?
Rushed and lazy are my feelings too...and i much preferred the old SS light up system of one switch for all...Yeah, that's crazy. Couldn't they have linked all the light to that battery pack hidden on his hip? Weird and lazy construction there.
I think people might be right about waiting for the DX Jedi version. This is everyone's favorite Vader and for some reason it seems... rushed and not well thought out. Especially the helmet's ability to remain on the head. Also find the lack of even subtle paintwork (yellows and pinks) on the back of the head... disturbing.
Perhaps I'm understanding the timed release in HK with US release.
But in the video the chest box dosen't light up until the switch higher up on the back is pressed...i don't know it's all bewitching to me..I'm pretty sure the box at the back of his belt is for the chest.
Like slip covers on blu ray’s I love when HT releases contain the “plaque faceplate” with the name of the character on their stands. As collectors we look for the littlest details and these details (plaque) removed from ESB Vader, Yoda, Wolf Predator etc. or even a base for R2 are missing elements that I wish would be added to their releases. Its not a make or break and I know many do not use the stand to care but for me I like those details. Curious what HT thought process is when deciding add or remove them. In the case of this Vader it would have been a nice tough to add the faceplate to the bottom on the stand. I guess in a way it makes it look “official”!
Other collectors feel my thoughts?
Is there any chance of them actually improving the sculpt for the inevitable RotJ release? We’ve been on this one forever now and I’m hoping we’ll finally get something more accurate.
Or perhaps they’ll start all over again after RotJ is released with a new sculpt (or after a RotS version?). An year hasn’t gone by without a Vader in some time, and he always sells out eventually, doubt they’ll let that money maker go.