Super Freak
yoga? is that yoda`s cousin 

At 13cm tall he seems a bit oversized. Yoga is .66m which is roughly 26". This is evident on dagobah when he is next to Luke. This figure comes in at around 5 inches.
At 13cm tall he seems a bit oversized. Yoga is .66m which is roughly 26". This is evident on dagobah when he is next to Luke. This figure comes in at around 5 inches.
could care less about a prequel yoda. there is only one yoda and you ordered him
Which scene in return of the jedi did yoda elevate stone rocks ?
That light-up lamp is small for even Yoda.
I hope HT makes it proper scale.
Which scene in return of the jedi did yoda elevate stone rocks ?
I feel the same way, afattori...
Already have both Sideshow the ESB version is on display with HT's Bespin Luke and the PT version on display with Padawan Kenobi...they look just fine.
The only real distinction I see here is the novel "closed-eyes" portrait and the diorama with the cheesy looking "floating rock" gimmick that looks more like something Hasbro might've done with a regular action figure...just sucks the "high-end" right out of it.
I know it's sacrilegious in here to not drink the HT kool-aid and automatically praise every SW release that they've done as perfect and better than any before but....while a few of them have been nice figures, some have definitely had their issues.
Not blown away here...I'll put the 200 on a figure that is a "new" character we haven't seen in high-end sixth scale yet...c'mon HT...give us some classic SW characters like Tarkin or Hoth Leia or Ackbar....
At 13cm tall he seems a bit oversized. Yoga is .66m which is roughly 26". This is evident on dagobah when he is next to Luke. This figure comes in at around 5 inches.
Yeah that lantern is a joke. SSC has done this a few times (the R2/Ben table being the latest) but not as badly out of scale that lantern is.
Still not as out of scale as the center for kids who can't read good