Super Freak
Yeah. One to display and one that's MIB. I'm a staunch Cap fan and this is my favorite figure of him, so I wanted to have one to keep MIB, also. The CW suit looks really cool, so I'll for sure pre-order that one on the first day. I like how the chest is devoid of any red around the star, but I like the white stripe on the biceps on the AoU suit (which the CW suit doesn't have) and I also prefer the AoU boots over the CW boots; from what I've seen thus far at least.
I used to collect 2 at a time when the figures were a lot cheaper at TRU, but now even TRU is expensive. But you got a true investment winner with your MIB AOU Cap. If they make another 2 pack of the CW Cap, then that would be worth getting too. I love HT for having that marketing strategy to get us to buy the 2 pack by giving us less of the essentials for buying the single Cap.