Why did he refer to this armor as his "Veronica" armor?
I think it relates to Hulk loving Betty. So stark loves Veronica. Archie reference.
That's exactly what it was.
Hulkbuster scenes were the best fighting action in the whole movie- just awesome
I think it relates to Hulk loving Betty. So stark loves Veronica. Archie reference.
Banner loves Betty.... Veronica is the opposite of Betty.... << Joss' own words (may not be verbatim)....
Note: Banner helped to create Veronica too, which might not be a good idea as Hulk may know Veronica's weakness too which seems to be indicated by the fight....
wonder if you're figure will have that arm trap that Tony tried to use to get hulk out of town
I was a bit confused on the continuity on the end of the Hulkbuster battle.Right after Tony sends The Hulk down the building.. the Hulkbuster was never seen again after the devastation. I was really confused at that point. Sure, we see Hulk.. but what happened to Tony and the Hulkbuster? Did I miss something?
Yeah right?I think this is all a result of the MCU trying to de-emphasize Iron Man a bit and focus on other characters since Downey has, what, 3 films left?I at least hoped we would see him get out of the armor or have it power down. Kind of like how we never actually see Hulk turn into Banner until this movie. Did all the pieces go back up into that satelitte? Who knows. And we never see Mark 43 again until Tony uses pieces of it in the fight against Cap with zero explanation as to why he went with the 45 at the end.
I really would love HB but with shipping you are talking over 900.00. My first car was 600.00
My first car was a manual 86 carolla and was $600 too haha. I'm fairly certain the Hulkbuster is more technologically advanced
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This thing is still too much money and I want it so badly after seeing the movie! I guess we'll see... It kicked some major ass in the film just dropping $800 is a lot for a non statue or life size bust item.