1/6 Hot Toys - MMS285 - Avengers: AOU - Hulkbuster

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Hmmm thinking of just putting my current $114 of points on this now as to not risk missing out .... it'll out even out in the end if I use the later points on say Mark 45 ha
I haven't seen any newer hot toys on either hlj or amiami in a while ... I recall someone saying that they wouldnt sell them to the US anymore
Yup. I bought heartbreaker from ami for like 210 shipped....thought that was great until these other deals started popping up ha
Wouldn't AVENGE2015 work on this? I'm pretty sure it's been two months since it went up for PO. Though I'm sure many have decided to use RPs rather than a $20 coupon.

Too much time til I get some RPs lol. So, I'm waiting for this coupon, better than nothing. Btw, AVENGE2015 dont work... Dunno why.
Hmm...you haven't used the code before, have you? I can't remember when HB went up for PO, maybe it's been less than two months? Or the code has expired? :confused:

Tbh, its about to be 3 months lol. Checking Hot Toys FB page, it went to preorder on march 3rd. Never used this code before and didnt expire yet lol. I bet this will become eligible this month. Well, I hope! :pray: