1/6 Hot Toys - MMS297 - Star Wars: Episode IV - Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure

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Don't you wish the production piece was painted this well...the eyes of my Luke look more like "Walker" eyes compared to these. Don't get me wrong, I love the figure, but it could be better.

View attachment 233448

Yep, Hong envy is real. We have to accept it on every HT release. But even so, the figures are SO good, and SO well painted even though we haven't (yet) found a way to clone JC, that living with the production pieces is seldom a chore.
Oh wait. You were serious?

Apart from paint, dead serious. The sculpt on this Luke is amateur hour and clearly done by someone who based it on their Bespin Luke and has never watched Star Wars or seen a photo of Mark Hamill. Oh, and I'm not saying the 2007 SSC sculpt is "great" just "better." SSC's Solo and Kenobi were also better, go figure. HT's Leia is their "only hope."

Hey, I understand some people will generally like it and some people will defend product based solely on the fact they purchased them. So if you love it, that's great. If you want a second one, you can buy mine on eBay in a couple of weeks. I bought two of these figures and I'm not keeping either head sculpt.
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Patience is the only fix, plus a bit of luck..


The key seems to be to keep the elastic horizontal. Don't pull it down to the brim of the hat. This must create an equal tension because the goggles have been on since the day I got the figure, which was a fortnight ago.

I can't imagine the hat going on at all with the regular hair.

Has anyone tried soaking the hat then placing it on the head, letting it stretch and take shape? This might make it easier and allow it to sit better.
Apart from paint, dead serious. The sculpt on this Luke is amateur hour and clearly done by someone who based it on their Bespin Luke and has never watched Star Wars or seen a photo of Mark Hamill. Oh, and I'm not saying the 2007 SSC sculpt is "great" just "better." SSC's Solo and Kenobi were also better, go figure. HT's Leia is their "only hope."

If you love it, that's great. If you want a second one, you can buy mine on eBay in a couple of weeks.

I must be easy to please, cause this sculpt looks pretty darn good. From the profile, its dead on. Straight on and its not quite Hamill, but its as close as their Han or Old Ben...at least to these eyes. And as others have stated, this is the best ANH Luke ever done....
All my HT SW humans are being bought as "kit bash boxes" and I'm fine with that. It's more work, but in the end the results will be worth the effort. Bespin Luke will remain the exception, each variant remaining bone stock.
Post some pics when you are all set up; curious as to what you plan...

Solo will feature Inigo's new sculpt. Don't have anything permanent for Skywalker yet, but had to make sure the figure was secure before it sells out.

I'm sweating the details, breaking my balls, my back and my sanity to make sure things I make for other people are up to a super high standard, so I feel cheated when I pick up product like this one, where not only I feel the likeness is bad, but the drop in quality and aesthetic from prototype is also another slap in the face. Cone head hair piece? Hat and goggles don't fit a second hair piece that was made specifically for those items? That's a joke, but I'm not laughing.
Apart from paint, dead serious. The sculpt on this Luke is amateur hour and clearly done by someone who based it on their Bespin Luke and has never watched Star Wars or seen a photo of Mark Hamill.

If you love it, that's great. If you want a second one, you can buy mine on eBay in a couple of weeks.

I wouldn't call it "amateur", but now that I have it (both farmboy and trooper) next to Ben and Han, I am beginning to think it might be the weakest of the bunch. I know that might be a surprising opinion because Han and Ben both have their own issues, but I am finding I am posing Luke in a way in which shows as much of his profile as possible in order to get the best likeness. Seems to me that Luke had one of the best prototypes, but something happened in the production which seemed to puff out his cheeks. The art on the box is fantastic, but Luke himself, especially when looking at him straight on, seems off.

Don't get me wrong, I still think it's the best all around option there is so far. We can deconstruct elements of sculpts and paint apps and production methods if we want and score other products higher in a single category if we want, but that doesn't really give us anything better as a whole than what Hot Toys has given us here. But, still even if its a really good piece, and professional quality, I certainly wouldn't say it's near the best of what Hot Toys has done. Maybe we will get lucky and Hot Toys will take a second crack it down the line if they do a Ceremonial Luke or a Red Five Luke from ANH. I'm not holding my breath for either, but I would love to see it.

Final thought: In addition to posing Luke with his head turned to show off the more Hamill like profile, I have also found that making sure his tunic isn't riding up over his shoulders and is pressed down showing as much neck as possible; this helps his face not look as heavy as it is.
This is the best this figure has ever looked right here:

luke head.jpg

But that's box artwork and not what's packed inside.
I don't think the sculpt is perfect and do prefer the ones from the Bespin set more but this one isn't that bad either. As a whole with the outfit and accessories I'm more than satisfied with the figure.
HT Luke is a pretty boy 'Blue Steel' Luke.

I prefer the underlying sculpt of Sideshow's X-Wing Luke, but it needs HT paint and eyes. Hence My X-Wing Lukes will always be wearing their helmets with the visor down. The HT, however, is inoffensive to the eye.
HT Luke is a pretty boy 'Blue Steel' Luke.

I prefer the underlying sculpt of Sideshow's X-Wing Luke, but it needs HT paint and eyes. Hence My X-Wing Lukes will always be wearing their helmets with the visor down. The HT, however, is inoffensive to the eye.
Yeah. As far as I'm concerned the Red 5 Sideshow sculpt looks good (although I don't think it's that much better than any of the Hot Toys sculpts personally) but crappy paint apps hold it back from looking really good. I'm sure some will argue that the Sideshow sculpt can be repainted but realistically not many of us have the skills to make it look a lot better and hiring it done professionally will cost an arm and a leg.
I don't think the sculpt is perfect and do prefer the ones from the Bespin set more but this one isn't that bad either. As a whole with the outfit and accessories I'm more than satisfied with the figure.

Yea, I like the Bespin figure more too. I'm only slightly disappointed in farmboy because I find myself futzing with it trying to get the perfect pose and look only to realize that it's the sculpt that is throwing it off and I can't do much about it. I am still glad I have it though, and I love all the accessories. I haven't done the hat, goggles, and poncho yet - I might try that next.

HT Luke is a pretty boy 'Blue Steel' Luke.

I prefer the underlying sculpt of Sideshow's X-Wing Luke, but it needs HT paint and eyes. Hence My X-Wing Lukes will always be wearing their helmets with the visor down. The HT, however, is inoffensive to the eye.
I can see some good aspects in the sculpt work of the X-wing Luke, but I wonder if it's a bit to over simplistic to assume it's only the paint app (or eyes) that holds it back from Hot Toys quality - though that's a big part of it I am sure. I would venture to guess that there are important sculpting elements that contribute to "realism" which could still be missing on the SS sculpt even if it can be argued that the "likeness" is better. But, regardless of why it doesn't hold up, there isn't much good having a figure that has a better "likeness" if we want to cover it up with the helmet because it just doesn't look good next to Hot Toys figures.
I wouldn't call it "amateur", but now that I have it (both farmboy and trooper) next to Ben and Han, I am beginning to think it might be the weakest of the bunch. I know that might be a surprising opinion because Han and Ben both have their own issues, but I am finding I am posing Luke in a way in which shows as much of his profile as possible in order to get the best likeness. Seems to me that Luke had one of the best prototypes, but something happened in the production which seemed to puff out his cheeks. The art on the box is fantastic, but Luke himself, especially when looking at him straight on, seems off.

Don't get me wrong, I still think it's the best all around option there is so far. We can deconstruct elements of sculpts and paint apps and production methods if we want and score other products higher in a single category if we want, but that doesn't really give us anything better as a whole than what Hot Toys has given us here. But, still even if its a really good piece, and professional quality, I certainly wouldn't say it's near the best of what Hot Toys has done. Maybe we will get lucky and Hot Toys will take a second crack it down the line if they do a Ceremonial Luke or a Red Five Luke from ANH. I'm not holding my breath for either, but I would love to see it.

Final thought: In addition to posing Luke with his head turned to show off the more Hamill like profile, I have also found that making sure his tunic isn't riding up over his shoulders and is pressed down showing as much neck as possible; this helps his face not look as heavy as it is.

Could not say it any better. I know any company wants to show their product "as good as it can be" in promotional materials, which only make sense (I'm thinking about how fast food shops make their burgers look in commercials). But at what point does it become false advertising?

This Luke was the STAR of SDCC2015, IMHO. Drop dead likeness (particularly compared to proto Han/Chewie/Vader/Obi), with only Leia approaching the same level of sheer awesome. What we got was another "very nice" HT offering, but what I was expecting to be the headliner, centerpiece, star of the show is quckly becoming a background player as he settles into the collection...


There are some TERRIFIC angles on this sculpt that you can highlight to get AWFULLY close to the proto level of greatness. I just wish it wasn't so hard to do.

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