1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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Yea, Justin doesn't seem to futz his figures at all really, at least not for the reviews. Maybe he does once they're on the shelf, though I sort of doubt it since it's his personal copy, so he's extra careful but you can push it further than he's willing to go
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It seems maybe those Production Samples had been past around so much and the hair having to be re-groomed a number of times perhaps gave it that flat, combed look instead of the straggly style we all want. What is shown above.

That's the problem with too much futzing. I don't want to have to touch the hair at all if I don't have to. Just pulling off the back to set the eyes will be torture enough.
Anyway, my apologies to all, my post was certainly not intended to start a war... I was just pointing out the consistency with which the TDK threads, particularly the "Joker" crowd, seem to devolve from figure topic to customs.

"nobody wants a war. Well, if we can't do business we'll just shake hands and that'll be it."
I did actually mean to apologize before for contributing to the pages of custom discussion but it was just a natural progression of the thread and something to discuss whilst we await the next show/release of the figure.

Don’t think anyone was boasting or trying to be superior. I certainly wasn’t.
It wasn't meant to be a criticism on my part, just an observation. :)
Shake hands? I got put on ignore by Tim Rimmer. :lol
I often wonder who has put me on ignore if any. 🤔 I'm sure there has to be some that I might've rubbed the wrong way at one point or another in all my years here. I think I've only ever put about 3 ppl on ignore and those ppl have been banned at one point or another anyway :lol
Yea, Justin doesn't seem to futz his figures at all really, at least not for the reviews. Maybe he does once they're on the shelf, though I sort of doubt it since it's his personal copy, so he's extra careful but you can push it further than he's willing to go
To be fair, Justin did say on a live stream that he was under a huge time crunch, and had to do all the reviews in a matter of hours with the Inart execs breathing down his neck the entire time, so he wasn't able to futz or light everything as well as he would have liked. Plus he was operating out of a hotel room instead of his usual setup.

I do think it would be smart of Inart to release some new pics and videos of their own though, just to allay everyone's fears.
I've never put anyone on ignore, and I'm sure I've rubbed everyone here the wrong way at one time or another. :lol We all get persnickety. I'm good friends with a few people I 'battled' with in their early years.

Hopefully Cap didn't really put me on ignore. He's a long-timer, he should know me by now.
That's weird; InArt's comment about leaving Justin alone with the figures to review was part of their "prototype or prod" response and why there was confusion.
Well they weren't literally in the room with him, but I'm sure he was still feeling the pressure from having them around. And he accidentally broke something on one of the statues they were showing as well, so I'm sure that didn't help matters. Lol
Roughly....2k470-2k9 around that depending on your choice of accessories, shoes and gloves
are we counting fan shoes and gloves as well? those pairs go for 100~ a pair, different expressive hand

edit: oops nvm just caught up with the thread. inart stuff then
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To be fair, Justin did say on a live stream that he was under a huge time crunch, and had to do all the reviews in a matter of hours with the Inart execs breathing down his neck the entire time, so he wasn't able to futz or light everything as well as he would have liked. Plus he was operating out of a hotel room instead of his usual setup.

I do think it would be smart of Inart to release some new pics and videos of their own though, just to allay everyone's fears.
I get that. But just in general, his reviews seem to be right out of the box, no futzing etc, “no crazy poses” which I understand as his goal seems to be to show what it’s like when the viewer opens their copy. But at the same time, it wouldn’t hurt to futz and water treat sometimes here and there and/or mention that the figure could potentially benefit with a little time put in working the clothing some

I thought InArt's production video showed the figure pretty well and looks much closer to the prototype. But it's like since Justin's review shows it looking less than, that's the one many are basing their opinions on and are completely negating the video that InArt posted themselves.

Everyone keeps referencing Justin's video, and that get traction for conversation yet if anyone mentions InArt's video where it actually looks good, no one says a word. Almost like it looks too good in InArt video, but since it looks bad in Justin's, that's the one we can harp on for pages.
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Everyone keeps referencing Justin's video, and that get traction for conversation yet if anyone mentions InArt's video where it actually looks good, no one says a word. Almost like it looks too good in InArt video, but since it looks bad in Justin's, that's the one we can harp on for pages.
We keep referencing Justin’s video because although it makes it look bad due to excess lighting, and a collector that doesn’t know what he’s doing, it’s still a bare bones video, what you see is what you get. You’re probably not gonna see the inart figure in the same way on your shelf that you would in an inart promo video. no flashy editing, no influenced hues, can’t pick the best one. So in a sense it matters more than what inart shows us. They’re a company that’s going to try and make their figure look good, Justin’s just going to review it.