1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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We keep referencing Justin’s video because although it makes it look bad due to excess lighting, and a collector that doesn’t know what he’s doing, it’s still a bare bones video, what you see is what you get. You’re probably not gonna see the inart figure in the same way on your shelf that you would in an inart promo video. no flashy editing, no influenced hues, can’t pick the best one. So in a sense it matters more than what inart shows us. They’re a company that’s going to try and make their figure look good, Justin’s just going to review it.
So you're telling me you display your figures in bright light boxes and unfutzed then like what Justin shows in his videos then since that's what you're so passionately basing your opinion on?

My display set up is actually low-lit with only one high window to get some natural light in during the day, so it will more than likely look more like what InArt showed than what Justin showed since I don't have bright white lighting up every single one of my shelves. I also futz my figures like crazy with water treatment and tweezer. Even go so far as to completely disrobe them if possible, handwash if needed to get any excess dyes out, lightly iron and redress them so I can get the fit how I want them.

What you see is not always what you get, b/c a figure can look ridiculously better when properly futzed and posed versus fresh out of the box and/or man handled. There are numerous examples throughout the years where initial pics and videos make a figure look awful, cause a panic across the respective thread/community, only for that panic to go away once it got into collector hands. The irony is, that no matter how many times that happens, it never sinks in. We go through this process with every company, and every figure.
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I also futz my figures, water treat when needed for outfits or custom sculpts. I don’t have them overly lit up like Justin’s review. I put them in display cases with subtle white led lighting, one figure to a shelf, I prefer a neat setup. You might display yours in dark shadow but I want to be able to see the details I pay for when I buy these things.
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I've had Wor-Gar blocked since 2008. That guy just gets under my skin.

I’ll be the first to admit that my eye of Judgement is skewed due to the custom 1:6 world. That said, the prototypes look fantastic, both of them. Felt that way all the way up to the preorder, still do. But you’re in denial if you think that what we’re seeing in Justin’s videos aren’t what’s coming regardless of futzing and lighting.
I also futz my figures, water treat when needed for outfits or custom sculpts. I don’t have them overly lit up like Justin’s review. I put them in display cases with subtle white led lighting, one figure a shelf, I prefer a neat setup. You might display yours in dark shadow but I want to be able to see the details I pay for when I buy these things.
then you really have no argument. You're saying that I (or anyone) won't have display set up like InArt, so Justin's video is how you're judging the figure, yet you basically just described you're display as something similar to how InArt has in their video lit :lol :huh

I don't display mine in dark shadows either. I said "low lit," not darkness, which ironically I'm sure is similar to your phrasing as "subtle white LED lighting".

Are you just mad that we aren't talking about Yuan, Yixie, Aries and Yunsil anymore?
I have to say I like Justin's reviews because of the consistency of bright lighting and unfutzed approach. I feel I get a fairly good idea what to expect when I receive a figure in hand. Perhaps its because I've been watching his videos for years and he's kept his reviews totally consistent -- to the point of dialogue which he gets teased about alot.

That all said, I didn't think the Joker looked so bad in his reviews. I do not see the "totally different figure" or bait-and-switch that was mentioned.

I'm still hoping this is my one-and-done Ledger Joker... well, Jokers.
Dude why are you so upset? I purchased this figure. Lighting doesn’t change the figure you’re getting end of story.
I'm not upset. You're the one who quoted me :dunno If you didn't want a response, then don't quote me
With customs you don’t have to use lighting as an excuse.
I've said before that I can't take a good picture to save my life. Not to be mean, but I've seen some collectors make some pretty great custom parts look really bad b/c they couldn't take good picture either. It's a skill and one I admittedly don't have. There are some Indiana Jones customs where everyone has the EXACT same parts, same painters for the sculpt but if you put the two pics side by side, they look pretty different just from the picture quality and set up alone. I've had some fancy smancy custom outfits before I lost my previous job in 2019, so it's not like I don't have experience with them, but that dones't mean I know how to photograph them. They may look great in hand, but if you want to show them off to you're collector buddies on the interwebs, you also need to know how to film and photograph what you have to present the in-hand feeling through visual media of your choice if you don't want to get the same confusion/reaction we're getting here with the difference between Justin's video and InArt's.
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Yeah the harsh, overblown lighting isnt doing Justin's photo/review any favors. The InArt definitely used much more professional lighting setup compared to Justin's. No amount of editing can fix that. Photography is all about getting the right exposure.
It's funny, depite all the negativity since the Vegas event, I'm actually fully back on the hype train, and I can't wait for him to be released.
As others have said, I think Justin's video showed the figure at its worst (and I don't mean that to bash him, I understand the constraints). But from experience, a figure at its worst vs a figure at its best is usually night and day. Ill-fitting clothing can throw off proportions, bright light washed out detail, etc. Every other picture and video outside of that one review still looks great to me.
Sure, the final figure might still turn out a stinker, we won't know until more people actually have it in hand. But for now, I'm still very optimistic.
There are some Indiana Jones customs where everyone has the EXACT same parts, same painters for the sculpt but if you put the two pics side by side, they look pretty different just from the picture quality and set up alone.
Boy, ain't that the truth.

Now Indiana Jones is where I spend my 'big boy" money.

It's funny, depite all the negativity since the Vegas event, I'm actually fully back on the hype train, and I can't wait for him to be released.
I'm still very optimistic.

Well, to try to get back on topic, I still think this is going to turn out a win if it really is like what the InArt production video showed. I will say, if I'm being nitpicky, the blazer did come out a little darker than the proto I think, but otherwise, it still looks pretty killer.

(photo comp by Hologram_AI)

I'm excited!
If I buy a custom sculpt I expect it to look like the photos I’m sent. Would I like photos in a flattering setting with perfect lighting? Yes, but I’d also like photos of it with proper exposure so I can see every detail of what I’m getting.
Justin's wasn't proper exposure though... In fact, the light washes a lot of detail out so I'm not sure what you mean by saying "what you see is what you get" with Justin's.

I doubt I'm getting a figure with all details washed out.

It seems maybe those Production Samples had been past around so much and the hair having to be re-groomed a number of times perhaps gave it that flat, combed look instead of the straggly style we all want. What is shown above.

That's the problem with too much futzing. I don't want to have to touch the hair at all if I don't have to. Just pulling off the back to set the eyes will be torture enough.
It'll be like defusing a bomb
I often wonder who has put me on ignore if any. 🤔 I'm sure there has to be some that I might've rubbed the wrong way at one point or another in all my years here. I think I've only ever put about 3 ppl on ignore and those ppl have been banned at one point or another anyway :lol
I only put 1 fruitcake on ignore from the snowspeeder luke thread who started calling me names because I had a criticism about that figure
Hopefully the new pictures/videos from Thailand will be more impressive, as so far, I'm feeling kinda glad that I've held off from pre-ordering any of the renditions from InArt.

Obviously it will be THE best non-custom release of the Joker yet but the faux haired version really should have ended any doubts or negative talk. Instead, this thread has proven that there are well earned concerns from what was hyped to be the next generation of 1/6 figures.
I know Nick will get this InArt Joker in hand and he will love it and be so surprised and happy, and even though he has that amazing custom he's building that will be his Prime Joker, the InArts will be his secret loves. And he will be happy... and we'll all be happy for him.