1/6 SSC ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader Modification Thread

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Got the Kaiyodo today to use for my ANH custom. Had to break out the acetone to get rid of the globby, sticky paint that the original owner used. Did a quick test paint up and fitted him with my modded Hasbro helmet(still a work in progress). I plan on doing a resculpt similar to what eczamurai did but to match episode IV. Please forgive the phone camera and badly futzed outfit. :wave

That's got the beat-up street fighter ANHvader look it. Did you lengthen the flare on the helmet?
I just bought another Kaiyodo darth vader today. was the only one listed as there are tons of the new version flooding the market. im going to do a new hope version as well
oh I see what you used. you used the grinder bit on the ridges of the dome and not inside the helmet I think

You've got to grind the inside down to get the walls of the flare to look more slim then use sandpaper to give it a smoother finish. Then sand a little off the edges,again to give it a better overall finish. To my eye the hasbro needs a lot of work to get it away from looking like a cheap toy. The sideshow helmet has more of a sharper look to it
Careful dremeling inside the Hasbro Vader dome - get it too thin and it distorts (i.e. slightly melts) the outside helmet surface, even if you don't bust through.
That's got the beat-up street fighter ANHvader look it. Did you lengthen the flare on the helmet?
Only slightly. I didnt really add any length, per se. I sculpted the curvature of the bottom like Too Much Garlic showed a few pages back.

Bmacattack,what did you do to that hasbro dome? It looks amazing!
Thank you! What didnt I do? Lol. Sanded and dremeled down the bulbous sides. resculpted most of the dome and the entire ridge and brows. Some of the resculpting is painted over in these. I covered the whole thing with Aves apoxie clay. the lens warp exaggerated the curve of the ridge but I may still redo it.

I still have a ton of work to do with it. I still think from some angles my dome is too squared. I need to study my references more.
^ Really love the weathering you did on the chest armor too! I've been trying to capture the same look with my ANH armor, but it's kinda tricky to get right since the black is much more subtle on that version.
I wouldn't be over worried about the slight curvature at the back of flare,there's more obvious things wrong with both helmets that stick out. Again it's the overall look and scale of everthing that matters more
Actually, if you are doing ANH domes, then you can't use the reference I posted, as that was an ESB helmet. Where the ESB sits flat on a plane surface at the sides and angles up at the halfway point back to the rear, then the ANH continues that curve at the rear all the way to the front, without any flat area. If that makes sense. The bottom curve was simply flattened for the ESB, either by sanding or by slight warping of a freshly cast dome sitting on a table, causing it to flatten at that area. (Sanding is probably the most likely answer, though).

It's from a set of six pictures where Vader met Jefferson Starship, photographed by Corbis.
Years ago, when I was a manager for the now extinct Musicland, we did an in-store appearance with Craig Chaquico (Jefferson Starship guitarist).
It was going well until I mentioned his appearance and part in the Star Wars Holiday Special. He nearly died of embarrassment. He couldn't believe I had remembered to even bring that up. He was a good sport about it though, as he still invited a few of us to a small concert in downtown Chicago. Fun times!