Love your Vader. One of the best! The gloves looks amazing!
Beautiful work Matrix69.
Customs are the best!
Thanks so much for the kind words!
Love your Vader. One of the best! The gloves looks amazing!
Beautiful work Matrix69.
Customs are the best!
Fits in nicely with my custom fett and the awesome tamashii 3po
View attachment 164535
The gloves look nice, but I think they would look better with a stitch all around the rear opening edge.
What I really like about your custom gloves is that you can get the right pose for the "hands on the belt" look. The SSC DX gloves don't have the right hand-to-wrist angle, so it never quite looks right, not to mention the (slight) oven mitt scale of the hands/fingers and the too-drastic flare out on the gauntlet parts.
Unfortunate we can't say "no DX bodysuit was harmed in the making of this picture" though.But then again - the poor quality of that bodysuit probably deserves the scissors treatment.
Really happy with how the gloves turned out.You can get nice little creases just where you want them,along the wrists
View attachment 164361View attachment 164362
I think mine turned out well. when I look at the stock vader and see mine it`s night and day difference. my vader is still on the stock body would not even know how to combine the two different bodies together
which body is that. I just bought another kaiyodo darth vader kit and was going to use that one for a new hope
Painting up the kaiyodo chest armor,i've got to agree it's a lot better looking than SS. Don't think i'll put the pin to hold the cape into it when it's finished. Want to go with ESB look
View attachment 165342
TESB Vader is the best.