1/6 SSC ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader Modification Thread

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Nope, honest question. You're effectively pirating other people's products, just wondering if you're OK with others doing the same to your stuff?

I depend on sales of my creative and published work to put food on my table, so I'm active and vigorous in protecting my IP. Because of this I don't advocate for the infringement of others work, nor do I partake in it.
You are confusing the issue.

Repainting the original piece is in no way similar to molding and casting the piece and selling.
Look, I'm not looking to hear all about whatever drama is going on with your sales or tragedies in your family - you have my sympathy there. Nor am I diminishing the talents of your husband nor even questioning your promotion of it (he's done some decent work). I was however concerned over the subject matter and pointing out some facts, at the same time questioning whether you'd be OK if someone else did the same to you.

Oh right , so we take an existing model rework

So are you reworking originals and then selling those or are you copying the originals and reworking the copies? The first is totally acceptable. The second is IP infringement.

I didn't reply to any post where you said you were selling anything original. I replied to this specifically and I'll quote it again:

At this point I know H is casting an unmofified kaiyodo mask/head, it will be a solid piece,

You state quite plainly you're selling copies of someone else's work.

Am I unpleasant? I can be. And seeing stuff like this posted definitely puts me in an unpleasant mood. Hey, if you're going to be repeatedly soliciting sales for this kind of thing, you should first be aware of what you're doing, second expect some questions and third, be ready for some unpleasantness (maybe even a cease and desist if you get too much attention).

And in case it gets brought up... For the work I advertise here on the forum, I only offer custom electronics and lighting. WRT sabers specifically, I only rework original parts supplied by the owners of those parts, I don't accept re-casts (regardless of where they came from) and I don't re-cast anyone else's work. It would be insanely easy to knock off a few hundred copies of Sideshow/Hot Toys/Medicom sabers and sell them at a nice profit. But never in a million years would I ever consider doing that.

Imagine for a second someone pirating my software and then selling it as their own simply because they changed some of the graphics and wording in the interface? Yeah, I'd have them in court in a heartbeat and they'd see me a lot more unpleasant than I've ever been on any forum. :lecture
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Nice work Matrix69! There is a lot of great modifications in this thread... big and small!

The recent posts between Mrs H. and Pixelpiper (and others) has highlighted some interesting legal and ethical points. So much good work is being done by talented people on the forums (and that effort often comes at great effort and expense to the craftsperson) that is it difficult and not always clear to see legal dos and don'ts regarding creative services...specifically services centered around protected properties.

I've been a professional prop maker, sculptor and designer of scale sets, props (and occasionally toys) for the last 15 years. My craft is my livelihood, so I have to navigate carefully when it comes to protected works/franchises etc. Most of my content these days, however, is original, so I've learned to play defense really well:wink1:. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that just because an image or character is protected by law, that doesn't necessarily imply a death sentence for you customization business or hobby. At conventions like ComicCon, for example, limited licenses can be legally issued to vendors/artist that promote and sell works and likenesses based on protected properties (ex. drawings of Batman, Spiderman etc.) Garage model kits often seek rejuge under these limited windows of operation. Most of these licenses are not only limited by time, but quantity of units sold, restrictions by the IP itself etc.... It's tedious, but it is possible...

It might not be a bad idea to open a thread in the customization forums to discuss navigating these waters? We can all share our experiences, good and bad, so we can all enjoy this hobby...and hopefully get every thing we want!!:)

Pixelpiper, with regards to your electronic light saber service, can you share what, if any issues you faced in advertising your saber service? I would think using the names Yoda, Luke, or even lightsaber for that matter, would raise obstacles? Recently, I've done some independent vendor work with Disney, and it seem like I'm signing a new contract every five minutes! I bend down and tie my shoe and bamm! another contract. :)

Anyway, a lot of great work around here and I look forward to seeing everyone's creations!
Pixelpiper, with regards to your electronic light saber service, can you share what, if any issues you faced in advertising your saber service? I would think using the names Yoda, Luke, or even lightsaber for that matter, would raise obstacles? Recently, I've done some independent vendor work with Disney, and it seem like I'm signing a new contract every five minutes! I bend down and tie my shoe and bamm! another contract. :)
I don't think Pixel would have ANY sort of legal issues as he's modifying licensed merchandise. Merchandise that has already made the agreed upon dollar percentage between the licensee and license holder. For example: If I bought an official Hasbro Star Wars stormtrooper figure, and painted it all green, I could sell it without any issues. It's legally bought and paid for with the $$ going to the property owners and Licensee. You can still call it what is. A Hasbro Star Wars Stormtrooper.... that I painted green.
Now if I were making molds and casting the Hasbro figure...that would be an issue. But modifying the original for a fee....is not.
McHaleyArt is mostly right, but I move myself further out of any legal waters by not even selling modified items. I'm selling the service and the parts for the modification - the customer provides the licensed bit, the hilt. My only mention of copyrighted character names is in reference to licensed products.

My services are really no different than a mechanic or autobody/paint place working on a car.

Neither I nor Ms Hurricane were advertising our services widely, so the issues I asked about WRT Vader custom sales here in the thread were not expressly limited/related to licensed character portrayal. They were regarding the fact that someone else's physical products were being duplicated and sold. Had the work been entirely original, that would be a different story and we'd be back to the licensing page.
Is there still a source from which to obtain a replacement pleather body suit for the SS deluxe vader? Something with a more natural look and bigger sleeves?
Unfortunately only the original Sideshow Vader at this point. Although once the HT Vader is released I'm sure there will be lots of those suits being parted out on ebay and toyanxiety.
Unfortunately only the original Sideshow Vader at this point. Although once the HT Vader is released I'm sure there will be lots of those suits being parted out on ebay and toyanxiety.

We have our body suits made for us but it's costly £30 gap each here's a pic of our old suit with the latest suit with correct quilt spacing( the darker one)
,next one to be made with have the chest in three panels as the prop is
S x
That looks great! Loads better than the stock suit.
How does that look on the deluxe Vader, I wonder? The fit of the arms on the stock suit are so tight.
