matrix, your Vader is superb and a total work of art but it honestly needs to be in its own thread in the customs section - it is not a modified SSC ESB/ROTJ Vader as the thread title suggests, it just uses a few parts from it. This thread is for "lowering the dome" and "height mods" or "new cape" type stuff.
People/newbs with the SSC Vader will come into this thread and see your pics and think they can make a few tweaks/mods to their figure to achieve what you have... and they're in for a cold slap across the face.

Your figure requires buying both SSC Vaders (as the parts are really not available) plus a very rare (and usually pretty expensive) original model kit - probably close to $500 all up - plus of course a massive amount of custom work, time and skill to achieve.
By all means drop in the occasional pic here to link to your custom page if you update or tweak. Again, it's gorgeous piece, but people get the wrong idea seeing dozens and dozens of pics of your figure in this thread (it is by far the most commonly pictured Vader in this thread over the past few months,) and they already have - I've seen a few people drop in, see your pics and say "See - the SSC Vader CAN be made to look awesome with some tweaks!" when they are actually not looking at a tweaked version of their figure at all.