Head sculpt could use a tweak. Always looked a bit off. Also not sure how the helmet would work. Removable hair? Would that come out well with a character that has short hair?
Head sculpt could use a tweak. Always looked a bit off. Also not sure how the helmet would work. Removable hair? Would that come out well with a character that has short hair?
Can't think of any off the top of my head, but has HT done any figures that wear an X-Wing helmet or something that isn't completely covering the face? I wonder if they'll do a separate sculpt like SS does or if they'll just want people to put the helmet on. I'm hoping for the former.
Well I think the biggest difference is Finn wears a Light brown and red jacket. Poe's 8 jacket is basically dark brown Indiana Jones style outfit. However I really do like the outfit that was leaked from Ep 9. However I think him in flight gear will be really cool as Hot Toys hasn't done that yet... if this figure ever comes out that isExactly, Poe in flight gear also gives the collection more contrast. Two guys in brown jackets is boring. He's suppposed to be the best pilot in the galaxy, so have him in X-Wing flight gear. That scene in TLJ where the camera pans around on the X-Wing while he takes out FO troops etc was one of the best original scenes in the movie.
I'm sure we'll get him for Ep9. Hot Toys are running out of old Big 3 old options, so they'll have to do him.
No, shooWorst “main” character in all SW universe
Worst “main” character in all SW universe
No sh-t
If you hate this character so much, then why are you on the thread about the figure for this character?Fixed for you.
Surprised as to why, he’s just a meme. Only really in the St as an Easter eggI would buy Ackbar over Poe. Pretty sure that means nothing other than I wish we had an Ackbar tease instead of this one.
Why bother coming to a thread specifically dedicated to a character’s figure if you don’t like it? The constant negativity is exhaustingWhat's wrong with saying you didn't like it ?? I didn't like it either.
You obviously did like it going by your signature, and that's OK.
Guess you're just out to pick an argument.
“It wasn’t a good movie” I’m sorry in YOUR opinion, that it wasn’t good. But art is subjective.I don't like The Last Jedi. It wasn't a good movie. Star Wars is at the lowest point it has ever been in the history of the franchise, that cannot be debated.
You're welcome.
Ackbar is literally just a meme, he didn’t deserve anything like that. Plus the actor died during filming and they didn’t wanna replace him.They needed to do all this to set up Ackbar for the hero's death his character so rightly deserved![]()
What are you on about?The way Ackbars character was just snuffed out like that was lodricous and insulting to say the least. Mickey Mouse really did show the finger to us SW fans numerous times in TLJ.
I’m pretty sure there’s a thread to be salty in somewhere, I don’t see how this is relevant to the Poe Dameron figureBut they're all such "Huge" Star Wars fans ! They know what they're doing.
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He’s literally just a meme. He’s only popular to most people from a meme.Ackbar is a massive part of Star Wars. A hero of the rebellion who millions of kids grew up acting out numerous adventures with.
None of these new ST characters will get near to his level of fan devotion.
This is too ridiculous sounding to not be satireMy friends and I spent every afternoon in the summer playing our backyard adventures taking turns being Ree Yees, Lobot, 4-Lom, and most importantly the greatest hero of the Rebellion of all...General Madine! As a result of our detailed backyard storylines and the fact that these were all our favorite Kenner figures growing up these are factually the most important and essential characters in the Star Wars Universe...the fact that JJ and Ruin Johnson did not read my 6 year old mind, figure this out, and then build the sequel trilogy around these characters shows how much they hate the fans.
If you hate this character so much, why are you here to discuss its figure?Fact.![]()
He has 3 lines and a funny looking face. He doesn’t matter.Quote Originally Posted by neb View Post
Lmao what? Ackbar has always basically just been known for the "It's a trap!" line which became a joke/meme. He was never a big character, nor did I ever heard anyone once say "Ackbar is my one of my favorite characters" while growing up. He was essentially put into the ST as a nod by JJ. And if you're one of the people who thinks he should have been the one to do the suicide, take 10 seconds to think about the scene in question and his name. That would not blow over well.
You don't have to like the ST or the characters, but acting like Ackbar was ever actually a popular character or anything more than a joke is pretty silly. The lengths some of you guys will go is hilarious.
I completely agree. Ackbar was a massive part of the ROTJ end game. He addressed a lot of the A/B/X wing pilots prior to the attack on the 2nd Death Star along with Mon Mothma. After which he then commanded the the main surprise attack and if it wasn’t for him giving the order for “All craft to pull up” many more Rebels would have died during the attack. And yes I do take this far too seriouslyBut your absolutely right Ackbar and the above characters are far more meaningfull to me than any of the new ST characters. And I’ll tell you why, for me anyway. It was a different time back then. You had to read magazines to get small snippets of information about the next film in the groundbreaking Trilogy. If you were really lucky you’d stumble across a “ behind the scenes “ picture of a certain character that you’d never seen before and think, I wonder who he / she / it is. Are they Rebel, Empire or neither! Your mind was already making stories up with these mysterious new characters which you probably wouldn’t see again for another year until the film was finally released. Then once you’d seen the film it was all about getting your hands on those figures and making your own adventures with them. Saying that Ackbar is famous for being a meme really exposes just how little you really know about Star Wars and what characters like him REALLY mean to people.