Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series! Beware Spoilers!

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Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Is it just me, or did everyone in the show seem like they just got out of high school?

Honestly, Coulson was the only believable mature agent that looked like he worked for the government. Everyone else, including the scientists, looked like they were in their teens. It almost felt like I was watching this on Disney channel.

It was a cool episode, didn't blow me away, but I'll keep watching to see where it go's. I swear though, the minute heros and villains start showing up with lame superpowers (like mind reading or some garbage) I'm done.

Wasn't crazy about the back to the future car at the end ether.

Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

They're setting up something. It's definitly not something as simple as "I held my breath". I think your idea might be close. Or at least have to dowith the characters you mentioned in some way.

They all but said it straight up when the Doc said "Tahiti. . . he really doesn't know, does he?". Coulson died, and this is an LMD or a clone or whatever the MCU version ends up being.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

They all but said it straight up when the Doc said "Tahiti. . . he really doesn't know, does he?". Coulson died, and this is an LMD or a clone or whatever the MCU version ends up being.

I don't see where that's so straight up. It could mean almost anything.

And didn't they say something about Tahiti and Grant as well?
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I don't see where that's so straight up. It could mean almost anything.

And didn't they say something about Tahiti and Grant as well?

Implanted memories, given the decoy is supposed to be modeled after him. The only thing that had me wondering about that was they refer to Coulson as a "him" rather than "it" outside of his company.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Is it just me, or did everyone in the show seem like they just got out of high school?

Honestly, Coulson was the only believable mature agent that looked like he worked for the government. Everyone else, including the scientists, looked like they were in their teens. It almost felt like I was watching this on Disney channel.

It was a cool episode, didn't blow me away, but I'll keep watching to see where it go's. I swear though, the minute heros and villains start showing up with lame superpowers (like mind reading or some garbage) I'm done.

Wasn't crazy about the back to the future car at the end ether.


I know what you mean. Coulson is 51 and Melinda May is 50. The other ones are all in their early to mid 20s.

You would think level 7s would be older, and wiser, but this is TV and young and good looking is what they go for.

Here's hoping they get some unique actors for superheros and villians.

Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Implanted memories, given the decoy is supposed to be modeled after him. The only thing that had me wondering about that was they refer to Coulson as a "him" rather than "it" outside of his company.

While he was in Tahiti, he could have a new artificial heart or something. I think it could be anything and they'll keep it a secret for quite a long time.

If he was an implanted decoy, why would they even question his knowing? He wouldn't know because he wasn't given any memory to know.

I think I made sense. :lol
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Just watched The show seemed very good, but i not sure about the flying car:cuckoo:

Tony Stark can fit tiny repulsors in his gauntlets and boots and that's OK, but stick some type of lifting device in the wheels of a car....

I thought it was a nice little callout to BTTF.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

1. You think that Fitz / Simmons / Skye look like they're in HS because you're used to seeing 25-30 year old people play HS kids in movies and on tv.

2. I definitely think that this Coulson is some sort of cyborg/LMD etc, if nothing else, based on his ability to go Matrix and do that instant backbend when the door flew off of the van. No human could react and do that. IMO.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I'll take the flying car anyday over the ridiculously cheesy lines like "I'm a hero!" and "No... its an origin story!" :rolleyes2

Who even talks like that?
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

And I have to say I found it all rather dull and predictable sadly with a cast filled with Ken and Barbie clones, with the exceptions of J.August (who was the best thing in it as far as I'm concerned) and the bloke playing Coulsdon. The others all felt like you'd seen them before in other Whedon shows. The nervous nerd, the genius pretty girl, the Rogue clone, the tough guy who's got a sensitive side, etc, etc.

In an odd way the whole thing reminded me of a slicker more high tech version of Torchwood. *g*

Apart from a couple of trade mark Whedon witticisms the whole thing felt very leaden and I felt my hand hovering over the fast forward button about half way through.

How much of this was because it's been back seat driven by Marvel exec's and how much of this is because Whedon just didn't cut it I have no idea.

And as for the back to the future style ending..*groan*

And as for Coulsdon. Well my money's still on him being a artificial being/android/life decoy. Joss does like to re-cycle certain of his plot ideas, and seeing the 'Buffy is a Robot only she doesn't know it' bit went down like a lead balloon with the Buffy comics crowd, so I could easily see him fostering that idea into this.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

It's off to a good start and I quite enjoyed it. I feel the real secret about Coulson won't be revealed until the next Avengers film, but they will keep hinting about it in the show.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

So. ABC didn't put it up on Xfinity, and my computer won't play any of the streaming sites. What the Christ. Thanks Obama.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Hulu is glitchy too? So won't load or buffer?
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

What problem or villains could Shield have that they can't call Hulk to fix it single handedly?

I mean really?

Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

The whole cast felt very cookie cutter to me. Young models trying to act quirky. I wish Hollywood would stop giving us this. I don't see this lasting more than a season or too. Felt like Disney is trying to milk the avengers and give us side stories that will be hinted at in the movies.