Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series! Beware Spoilers!

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Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I thought lola flying fit fine. The only parts i really eyerolled at was the "it's an origin story" bit and the part where what's his name was being affected by the truth serum and he goes "gramma?!" In a baby voice...

Otherwise pretty solid. Sky is a little over the top. Needs to be dialed down a bit, I think.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I guess you young whippersnappers never read the old 70's Marvel books with Nick Fury's flying car.
I was happy to see the reference.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

While he was in Tahiti, he could have a new artificial heart or something. I think it could be anything and they'll keep it a secret for quite a long time.

If he was an implanted decoy, why would they even question his knowing? He wouldn't know because he wasn't given any memory to know.

I think I made sense. :lol


I definitely think that this Coulson is some sort of cyborg/LMD etc, if nothing else, based on his ability to go Matrix and do that instant backbend when the door flew off of the van. No human could react and do that. IMO.


I guess you young whippersnappers never read the old 70's Marvel books with Nick Fury's flying car.
I was happy to see the reference.


wait, you sure that wasn't in the Super Friends. :lol
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Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Unless it was an LMD in the Avengers
When the Helicarrier got attacked, the little scene with him going to the secret chamber with the eye scanner felt something to that effect. It seemed more than just going to access the big weapon.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

While he was in Tahiti, he could have a new artificial heart or something. I think it could be anything and they'll keep it a secret for quite a long time.

If he was an implanted decoy, why would they even question his knowing? He wouldn't know because he wasn't given any memory to know.

I think I made sense. :lol

I also feel that he was given perhaps an artificial heart or something else that is keeping him alive without his knowledge.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

He's probably a LMD. Unless it was an LMD in the Avengers

ooh, good one! Never thought of that!

Overall I liked the show. A lot of tongue in cheek, but was serious when it had to be. As a stand alone program, it probably wouldn't make it. But it's got the strength of the movies to carry it and a lot of material to work with. If they continually intertwine everything, I think it's enough to hold viewers' interests.

Sticking with it to see where it goes.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Just watched The show seemed very good, but i not sure about the flying car:cuckoo:

One, it ties back to the Howard Stark car of the future prototype in Captain America.

Two, SHIELD has used flying cars in the comics for decades.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I watched Shield and part of Goldburgs. I found it funny that during this time I saw several commercials for very expensive cars. Do they really think the people who watch these shows would actually buy those cars?

Off topic but the cars in question are perfect for the primary demographic watching these shows (30's to 40's). These are "entry level" luxury cars. They will run on average around $35,000. If people can afford $250 hot toys figures and $500 statues, they can non doubt afford a $500 car payment if that's what they are into. :lol

I personally love those little Lexus's. Most of these car manufactures are trying to really grab people in my age range. The hope is to get them into something like that now and when they age they will spend more serious money on their middle and upper level modes spending closer to $60,000 to 70,000 on average.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Eagerly watched the pilot last night. It did not disappoint! Loved it! All the little references to the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe were awesome and Lola is great.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

While he was in Tahiti, he could have a new artificial heart or something. I think it could be anything and they'll keep it a secret for quite a long time.

If he was an implanted decoy, why would they even question his knowing? He wouldn't know because he wasn't given any memory to know.

I think I made sense. :lol

In order for a Life Model Decoy to be a good decoy for the life it's modeling, they'd have to imprint him with that individual's memories. That would explain why he knows about his "death" with Loki. The "vacation" to Tahiti could be an implanted memory to cover the time gap from getting Coulson imprinted on the android and getting it up and running.

Another scene that adds a bit of credence to him being an LMD is his matrix dodge of the van door when it was knocked off. :lol

Says the man who loved Machete. :p

Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I wonder if any actual character gets from the marvel universe will appear. But I imagine that will not be easy if characters have a deal pending, or movie in production. I know spidey or any of the x-men will ever appear. I wonder if they will even mention mutants at all. In some ways this show feels like the x-files of the marvel universe.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Watched it last night and thought it was just ok. I thought it looked really really cheap right off the bat, and was shocked to see Joss had directed the episode. It looked like some generic, sit-com director was in charge. Cheap back lot set, cheap film stock, cheap lighting, cheap effects. And the music! My god the music! It was so intrusive and over the top! Every music cue was some heroic crap that really took me out of the scene. Those things might sound nit-picky, but to me are essential in setting the right mood for any given show or movie. People here have been mentioning Arrow as being better and I agree. It probably has a smaller budget, but looks and feels much better than this show did.

I also thought the tech-y stuff seemed very superfluous, like the little flying scanner things and the spy stuff in the beginning. Were they supposed to have a "gee-whiz" factor? Because they didn't. I was more bothered by how cheap the effect of the flying car was, than of the idea of the flying car. Like it was mentioned before, SHIELD has been using flying cars in the comics for decades. But damn, those effects were terrible. If your budget is tight, better to not do it than to look cheap and embarrassing.

I loved the two scientists, and I liked Sky. I was luke warm to the lead young guy. And I agree, everybody seemed very young. I think it's more that I'm getting old and anyone younger than me looks like a kid!

But I thought the show as a whole was pretty well written. I'm hoping they'll fix a few things for the rest of the series since this was only the pilot. Maybe they'll forego trying to look like more than they are, and concentrate more on solid stories and characterization.

I'll try and stick with it as long as I can.
I agree that AOS was ok. I DVRed the entire series so I'll watch it but I really think Colson needs to smile less. He just seems too happy. There is definitely something going on with him but I don't know if I like it.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Says the man who loved Machete. :p

Machete is supposed to be satire, tongue-in-cheek, exploitation movie and that's what it delivers...
Iron Man 3 is supposed to be a superhero movie which it's not...
Stop trolling Josh! :wave

Besides, you like the Bayformers movies, which are even worse than IM3 :lol!
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Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Machete is supposed to be satire, tongue-in-cheek, exploitation movie and that's what it delivers...
Iron Man 3 is supposed to be a superhero movie which it's not...
Stop trolling Josh! :wave

Besides, you like the Bayformers movies, which are even worse than IM3 :lol!

It delivers something. :lol
IM3 was an awesome superhero movie.
Pot meet kettle then.:peace :p

Says the guy who put PR/Oblivion as his #1/#2 movie of the summer. :nana:
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