Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series! Beware Spoilers!

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Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

If you want a wrecking ball with two feet, call the Hulk. If you need something done with discretion and covertly, call SHIELD.

SHIELD has a lot more finesse than The Hulk.

Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

What would it matter? Nothing they throw at him could stop him. He's pretty much a one man army. Would make for an awesome "one and only episode of Shield" lol


Well, sure, the Hulk can handle about anything, but the point of SHIELD is that it is a covert spy organization. As they mentioned in the pilot, their goal is to keep the public safe without them knowing they are even in danger.
They want to avoid a mass panic.

The Hulk isn't known for being easy to control, either. Historically, he hasn't accepted direction well.
There was that phase in which the Hulk had the intelligence of Bruce Banner, which would have worked, but I hear that is no longer the case.

Hulk 007?
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Let's hope Wheldon is in top form for Avengers 2 because last night's pilot episode is something he'll leave off the resume..!

OK but nothing special as I thought it might doesn't come close to many other shows on cable(maybe it should have been HBO or AMC only...)
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I thought it was okay. Skye reminded me of Olivia Munn, and I liked Coulson's comment about the dark corner and a light being out. That's about as deep I got with this show. :lol
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Let's hope Wheldon is in top form for Avengers 2 because last night's pilot episode is something he'll leave off the resume..!

OK but nothing special as I thought it might doesn't come close to many other shows on cable(maybe it should have been HBO or AMC only...)

That's because it's a network show and they go for a broader appeal than the cable shows. Shows like Breaking Bad, Mad Men and Walking Dead get the critical acclaim and fanboy love, but don't typically bring in the type of ratings that the big network hit shows do.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I enjoyed the episode but thought they could have done better with the visual effects. In my opinion they were not up to par with Arrow, which are not the greatest either.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

That's because it's a network show and they go for a broader appeal than the cable shows. Shows like Breaking Bad, Mad Men and Walking Dead get the critical acclaim and fanboy love, but don't typically bring in the type of ratings that the big network hit shows do.

It was way too "broad" for me then:rotfl
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Also, needs more Whedon. Director or not..I demand 8 snarky lines within the span of 3 minutes.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I thought it was pretty good. Glad to see Coulson back from the dead. Although my wife thought Skye was totally unbelievable. She thought that in reality, a hacker would look less like a hot girl, and more like an overweight nerd with pit stains in his basement, or a hipster *********. Made me chuckle.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Well AoS just aired here in Sepialand...

First half of the show was boring and dumb, at moments I felt I was watching a Chuck Lorre sitcom, but even more boring, yak! supporting cast is completely bland, generic and unlikeable, throughout the whole thing, Coulson was great though.

Then by the 2nd half, when Mike went rogue, the script magically solidified and it became exciting, I was really surprised, but glad it did, Coulson speech to Mike before the headshot was truly great, enough to make me come back for episode 2.

I just hate the supporting cast, they look like they were taken out of High School Musical.

Will see ep 2.