Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series! Beware Spoilers!

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Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I liked the show a lot.
I hope it has a good run.
As for Lola flying at the end maybe Howard Stark finally finished his idea from Captain America:The First Avenger and Coulson put it to use in his car?
Just a thought.

I can't believe how many people don't get the flying car.

Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I thought the flying car was fantastic, even my dad smiled at me and pointed at the screen while it happened :lol
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I can't believe how many people don't get the flying car.


In this universe there's a giant, flying aircraft carrier...a man that turns into an enormous green monster...a soldier who wears the american flag as his uniform while throwing around a metal frisbee as his weapon........and people take issue with a flying car :dunno
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I thought it was okay. Skye reminded me of Olivia Munn, and I liked Coulson's comment about the dark corner and a light being out. That's about as deep I got with this show. :lol

I hadn't thought about that but I can see it now. I knew I thought she was hot for some reason. :D

In this universe there's a giant, flying aircraft carrier...a man that turns into an enormous green monster...a soldier who wears the american flag as his uniform while throwing around a metal frisbee as his weapon........and people take issue with a flying car :dunno

Pretty much :lol That's why the extremis bit in IM3 didn't bother me a bit and I loved that they are going to use it in this show.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Pretty much :lol That's why the extremis bit in IM3 didn't bother me a bit and I loved that they are going to use it in this show.

Yeah. I liked that they went with a plotline where an established power source, sort of leaked out into the secondary market. The chitauri items leaking out is cool too.

It's a great way to show how these events effect the world, and that these world ending events aren't just neatly capped off at the end of a movie.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Yeah. I liked that they went with a plotline where an established power source, sort of leaked out into the secondary market. The chitauri items leaking out is cool too.

It's a great way to show how these events effect the world, and that these world ending events aren't just neatly capped off at the end of a movie.

Agreed :lecture It just gives more credence to the events we saw in the movies making them feel more a part of the world as a whole instead of just movie plot device.
Re: S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

In this universe there's a giant, flying aircraft carrier...a man that turns into an enormous green monster...a soldier who wears the american flag as his uniform while throwing around a metal frisbee as his weapon........and people take issue with a flying car :dunno

:lol :lol :lol
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Extremis bit in IM3 didn't bother me a bit and I loved that they are going to use it in this show.

Yeah. I liked that they went with a plotline where an established power source, sort of leaked out into the secondary market. The chitauri items leaking out is cool too.

It's a great way to show how these events effect the world, and that these world ending events aren't just neatly capped off at the end of a movie.

Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I really enjoyed the show. There was so much about it that I really liked. Fitz and Simmons are going to be amazing. I truly look forward to their witty banter. We all know that Joss loves his witty banter.

May, so far, is my favorite. Waiting impatiently to see how Joss develops her character.

Obviously Skye and Grant will be the leads in love. However, so far it looks like everyone had pretty equal screen time, which is another thing Joss does best. Another great thing about him. Not everyone loves the lead so it's nice with the lead actually stretches out to several people. This is called Agents of Shield, so obviously it's not focused solely on one person. However, even Buffy was focused around one person and it still managed to give us fair screen time for everyone..

Ranter right here..

I really like Clark Gregg and I know it's his character to be somewhat dry, but it's not fully working for me. Something is missing with him so I hope to see a bit of a hop to his step.

All I want now is to see more Melinda May kicking butt, cause that was pretty sexy.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I really enjoyed the show. There was so much about it that I really liked. Fitz and Simmons are going to be amazing. I truly look forward to their witty banter. We all know that Joss loves his witty banter.

May, so far, is my favorite. Waiting impatiently to see how Joss develops her character.

Obviously Skye and Grant will be the leads in love. However, so far it looks like everyone had pretty equal screen time, which is another thing Joss does best. Another great thing about him. Not everyone loves the lead so it's nice with the lead actually stretches out to several people. This is called Agents of Shield, so obviously it's not focused solely on one person. However, even Buffy was focused around one person and it still managed to give us fair screen time for everyone..

Ranter right here..

I really like Clark Gregg and I know it's his character to be somewhat dry, but it's not fully working for me. Something is missing with him so I hope to see a bit of a hop to his step.

All I want now is to see more Melinda May kicking butt, cause that was pretty sexy.

When I first saw the casting I wasn't sure about her, but I really like her too.

I find Skye totally annoying.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

I though it was ok, not great. It's hard to believe Whedon could put together such a bland cast.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Watched the pilot last night. Best episode of Torchwood I've ever seen. :p

And I guess Coulson is dead. Kinda sad really but he did take a blade through the heart.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

This might take a few episodes to really hit it's stride. I know for the first 10 minutes or so of the pilot, I was a little bored and uninterested. It started to pick up though and by the end of it, I was fully interested. I want to know what an 084 is :lol
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

They're repeating it tonight again if anyone missed it.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

Watched the pilot last night. Best episode of Torchwood I've ever seen. :p

And I guess Coulson is dead. Kinda sad really but he did take a blade through the heart.

Cannot wait to find out that Coulson is a LMD. That would definitely make this a show about SHIELD for me.
Re: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series!

They are going to majorly drag out that Coulson reveal. I could see that going for 2 seasons.