Here on the Perimeter
More to come...
Okay, he's finally done. This is the repainted OOAK Callous Bishop head with real rabbit fur hair and articulated eyes. Yours truly did the rest.
You may note the right hand needs a retouch as the head was painted with oils and it didn't take well to the rubber hands but that's a minor touch up...
Bishop Head with real hair, articulated eyes: Callous
Body: Short Dragon Pietr
Jumper: BBI Walker (collar not film accurate)
Shoes: SSC Connor Nike's repainted/customized by pjam
Watch: I forget, detailed by moi
Patch: EVA
Laptop : BBI repainted, still needs a rectangular screen border mounted
BISHOP REAR VIEW... Callous' hair work is DEAD ON.

A couple more...

The Synth Reaction...

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