Originally posted by JediMike71
Welcome to the wonderful world of collecting and customizing 1/6 scale figures Mr. Fusion! I love your icon by the way...Indiana Jones is one of my favorites! I made a custom 12" figure of him last year. I always have just called them "12" figures" out of habit. Anyway, you may consider doing what I did to get Hicks. I ended up getting an extra Hudson in a trade with fellow board member here, Dboz. What a guy for doing that for me! Thanks again so much Dboz! Buying Hudson on eBay, or an online retailer will set up back anywhere from $85.00 to $100.00 before shipping I think from what I've seen shopping around online. I used most all of Hudson's armor, camo BDUs, his helmet, pulse rifle, belts and all that for my Hicks. I repainted Hudson's armor to look like Hicks' armor. I'm almost done with that. I luckily found the awesome "Stoner" head on eBay for $10.00 before shipping, about $15.00 total with shipping. Since Hudson is part of the second assortment of the ALIENS marines with Ripley, and Drake, getting a Hudson to use to make a Hicks would be much cheaper than trying to hunt down a Hicks.
I haven't seen Hicks anywhere anymore for any less that $200 or more than that before shipping. Most of the time it is from a seller in Hong Kong or somewhere like that where shipping to you if you live in the U.S.A. is about $20 - $35 or somewhere like that. I thought long and hard about saving up and eventually getting Hicks, but honestly on my tight budget, that would have taken forever! So I went with the "Hudson for Hicks" custom route. Think about doing that for your Hicks. I hope this helps you out. You can keep trying eBay and some other online retailers, but I'd be suprised if you found Hicks for any less than at least $200.00 before shipping! Like Han Solo said to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: "Good luck kid...you're gonna need it!"