Just got my Rondo, Cemetary Zombie and Gort and Klaatu.
Gort could have been better. I don't think he's worth the $75 they have him listed as a solo figure. The articulation being neck, shoulder, waist and ankle cut joints. They may just as well have not bothered with the joints at all. Mine doesn't sit uniformly at the waist joint. The arms aren't symetrical, in that one sits out further from the body than the other, and his legs seem to taper inwards, so that his feet don't sit flat on the surface. The pics on Amoktime's site has his feet splayed a little further apart than mine. The articulation does, however, allow for slight alteration to align these minor nits.
The packaging isn't all that bad on any of them. I hate twistie ties, and these aren't plastic covered, but at least on Gort they had a thin foam strapped onto the areas where the ties went. I don't see why they gave Klaatu a second head either, because his helmut fits on either one. The second head just has a slightly different hair do.
Haven't checked out the other two yet, but I can see the eyebrows on the coloured zombie head are grey, which they used for the B & W head. Someone messed up, because they are coloured on the Amoktime site. I'm not fond of the lining on the flaps of the outer suit coat pockets either. It detracts from the other wise uniform black look of the suit. Gives it a slight teddy boy look.
Rondo looks paler on Amoktimes site, and I can see the packaging has distorted both hats so that their brims have a dip both front and rear, where the clip holds them in place. I'll have to give these the hot water treatment to flatten them out.