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Yep, it's just trying to track them down. An exclusive Boromir is perfect as you get the vambraces and the cloak to use on Aragorn. I was out bid on an exclusive boromir a few weeks back, it only went for cheap as well.

Check your PM inbox Platty. I have a boxed exclusive Boromir I would sell to you so you can get those vembraces and cloak for your Aragorn. :wave
Freakin' awesome !!
How can we keep that horrible Sideshow HS like that when we can have this one ?

i like sideshows sculpt, it jsut the paint that lets it down. But this HS is pretty nice too. both make for a great Aragorn figure.

I do love the eyes on this custom sculpt though
I see a lot more of Viggo in the custom sculpt, but the chin is just too big IMHO.
I wanted to get this, but I think I'll keep the original for now.
I see a lot more of Viggo in the custom sculpt, but the chin is just too big IMHO.
I wanted to get this, but I think I'll keep the original for now.

i think that's what's throwing it off for me. know doubt though that this is one fantastic sculpt. Viggo is pretty hard to capture IMO, and besides the chin, I think this looks a heck of alot like him. And again, I think it's mostly the eyes and brow that show the likeness, at least for me
Damn this is a nice sculpt, why haven't I had mine painted yet!! Greggo is getting this this week! :lol

Jedi, reply coming soon buddy
I have a legolas head i'm waiting on, the plan was to send them off for painting together, though I haven't got the legolas yet and am getting impatient! :lol
Finally got around to mine, after taking pictures I can already see some areas I need to go back and fix.






And just for fun a comparison with the sideshow head

I couldn't see the pics till I got home. That looks freaking amazing. The difference between the two is insane.
Wow! It's great to see some painted Aragorn heads out there. I've sold quite a few, but sadly only a few have shown up here painted.

Anyone else have any pics to share?

I'm got two of them up in the next batch of heads I am painting. PLUS the original sideshow head and a converted Viggo Hot Toys head with the Sideshow Aragorn hair, so FOUR ARAGORN heads I am painting!

This looks really good with the new head btw! I can't wait to finish up mine like this. WOW!
Nice to see this thread resurrected too! Much like Tony Soprano, I recently finished my Aaragorn with the help of Sean Ho's paintwork.

Another good primer for a slew of pics. This head is astounding in person. The sideshow one looks like a cheap troglodyte doll. Always has. The sideshow outfit is one humdred percent what I went with but it took a crap load of modding to get it where it needed to be to look halfway decent. The green leather outer coat is awful out of the box.

Also Eric's head is on the smaller size so I put him on a slim TrueType which Automatically pits it in proportion and looks great bulked up with all the gear on. I'm seeing a lot of nice bashes here but the head looks undersized and the neck too long. I would reccomemd the switch of bodies.
melanarus' paintwork has convinced me that I need this amazing sculpt. To say it will be an "improvement" over the stock SS sculpt is an huge understatement.