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When you guys mention modifying the neck, do you mean drilling a hole to fit one of these?


Or are you removing the neck completely?
Like this:




Creating a large gap into which a connector socket from a Hot Toys Truetype head will be glued. You put the socket on the neck ball, add glue to the head, put the head in position upside down (so you know the depth is what you want and you don't get glue on the ball)...and viola! you can finish filling the gap after the depth has been set.


Except that this may not be the body I use, so I'm just holding the head in place. I haven't installed the socket yet.
1st - Thanks for that info buddy! Although I think I will stick with the moulded neck. Have you done it to obtain more articulation mate? I never really favour neck joints like that but with the hair covering it I can imagine it looks great!
Also if I can ask you a question, does the head come with a pre drilled hole in the neck for the neck connector type I posted above?

2nd - What a great headsculpt! The likeness is amazing. Thanks for the pics!
I'll let you know when someone finds a way to get those stupid boots off. If not I have to find an alternative.
Well I got mine off but that was over a year or so ago. Best I can remember I used brute force. I know I didn't use any kind of liquid on them. Possibly heated them with a hair dryer. Sorry can't remember.
Recieved my sculpt today, wow, what a stunning likeness. And overall a solid headsculpt. Anyone on the fence i'd recommend this, it's one of the best likenesses i've seen on a headsculpt. Get that Sideshow head replaced with this :lecture