ASMUS TOYS : Aragorn @ The Battle of Helm's Deep

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i think they've made a new eleven dagger for Helms Deep Aragorn already. The dagger shown on the prototype is similar to the ACI one.
Hi Asmus

I have to respectfully disagree. I am not being negative and I have pre-ordered the figure so don't hate me!

I too have the 1:1 prop and I have the ACI version - compared with the Asmus Aragorn eleven knife (bottom) from a few years ago:

I also hope you were able to see this:

Got it, let me ask the design team.

We are reviewing the work on the straps on scabbard, that metal piece is going to be a pain in the butt to mass produce.
Sadly there will never be a sculpt that will please everyone.
If 10 different people were mugged by the real Viggo Mortensen and sat down with the same police sketch artist to give a description...the sketch artist would produce 10 different sketches.
I may be wrong but I believe that the majority of potential buyers see this as an excellent likeness and as close as they can expect from any 1/6 scale version of the character.
Asmus will never be able to recreate what 1000 different collectors see in their minds when they think of Aragorn.

This is a well articulated (ha!) point and really on the money as far as expectations go. Everyone is going to see different things in a sculpt. Personally, I think this Aragorn looks great and I believe that lighting, posing and futzing go a huge way to capturing the "feel" of the character. My Hot Toys Indy is pretty lacking in 100% Harrison Ford likeness, but if I pose him right and set him up in the right spot, he feels like Indy.
Anyway, Asmus has done a great job and gone above and beyond to get feedback from their customers. Imagine Hot Toys posting a pic on the forum for their Snowspeeder Luke "Hey, here's our re-used Luke sculpt with a new hair piece. Whaddya think? We've poured our hearts into this and feel like it's the best we could do, but if you have any suggestions, let us know because we value your opinion".
Im not a fan of the super delicate straps im seeing. Alot of these materials wither away or simply tear. Lets step that up a notch, especially with heavy die cast swords being attached and what not
I am hoping one of the deluxe accessories is his leather coat. So we can change the style we want from helms deep to his strider look without the cloak but just the leather coat.
That's great news about possibly getting a new cast of the Elven Dagger and the correct sword straps.

He wears the Elven cloak over his Helm's Deep armour when they travel to Orthanc at the start of The Return of The King so hopefully the extra accessory will be that and his pipe (or a bowl of ?owyn's 'blob' soup [emoji1787]).

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Hi Asmus

I have to respectfully disagree. I am not being negative and I have pre-ordered the figure so don't hate me!

I too have the 1:1 prop and I have the ACI version - compared with the Asmus Aragorn eleven knife (bottom) from a few years ago:

I also hope you were able to see this:

Thank you Jokes and Bats, that is what I was trying to say. Thank you ASMUS for the attention. I think this what they call Team work!
I hope that the dagger will be re-cast after two tries, and not as a deluxe accesorie but in the regular version as well. At this point, however, and in spite of being an ASMUS LOTR fan from the beginning - especially minor characters - I will need to know more about the extra accesories to make me order an Aragorn again. In my opinion, not everything is about the headsculpt...
This is one of the extra accessory for the exclusive.
A torch (not light up, sorry...) mount on the wall, torch can be removed from the stand.

It was a make up to the actual setting.


Helm's deep01.jpg
Hmm, well no one had money on that reveal but it definitely adds to the Helm’s Deep-ness of the Diorama which is a plus. I highly doubt we’ll see his overcoat as the last reveal though. That’d be a lot of tailoring and production time for something that’s being added on after the package was already costed.

So, is the Asmus site accepting PayPal payments again yet?
Hmm, well no one had money on that reveal but it definitely adds to the Helm’s Deep-ness of the Diorama which is a plus. I highly doubt we’ll see his overcoat as the last reveal though. That’d be a lot of tailoring and production time for something that’s being added on after the package was already costed.

So, is the Asmus site accepting PayPal payments again yet?

Yes, Paypal is back
Hi all, this is the full reveal of the two extra accessories for the Exclusive set.
Wish you guys like it ~



Pretty nice. Anything Uruk Hai related gets me excited- especially Berserkers! A diecast version of their giant, double spiked long swords would be so heavy they’d need extra tough joints to wield it. Can’t wait for the day we finally have an Asmus Uruk but for now I’ll be able to compare this helmet to my custom and maybe at least get an idea of how big their heads will be...

Anyhoo, guess I’m off to Amsus’ site to order this at last. May as well go all in.
Yea I broke down and ordered the exclusive. In the end though I have to say I am still not knocked out by either head sculpt. Asmus you've nailed so many of your latest sculpts but this one leaves me a bit let down. In my eyes it's just an ok sculpt and with Aragorn being my favorite character from the movies I wanted to be wowed by it. I'm sorry for kicking a good company when it's down in these troubled times but It's just frustrating to wait this long for a reveal and not be thrilled by it.
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