Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)
I don't know if Joss had a crush on Hulk.. He sure didn't in AOU.. BW was his main interest. His Buffy of the MCU.
Caps line you mention is awesome.. So is taking control of the Avengers (and they all step in line right away even IM) Cap running through the streets freaking leaping cars, telling the cops what to do but they ask who he is and then he takes out 5 Aliens and strikes an Awesome pose soon after. Jumping behind his shield when the alien explosive blows up.. I think if Cap just had a different Cowl you would have been very happy with Cap in Avengers.
I admit he is not Iron Man or Hulk but he is still pretty cool... Now Thor on the other hand.. Joss had no idea what to do with him in either film he directed.. OF course MCU didn't really seem to know what to do either until Thor 3.
Also Joss has Cap do plenty of cool things in AUO.. I mean he takes on Ultron by himself which was IMO the best part of the film. Movie is just awful
No.. There is a huge difference between how Joss treated Cap and how Russo's treated Hulk.
My head would have exploded if Hulk in EG got to do as much as Cap did in Avengers
Joss may not have had a crush on Cap but he liked him more then Russo's seemed to like Hulk. Banner on the other Hand.. Russo's love Banner.
Anyways.. Like I have been saying all along. I really hope my 2nd viewing is good therapy for me. Cap is not my 2nd fav Marvel comic hero but he is my 2nd fav MCU hero.
Yes no arguing that TA had a good script, but like you said about AEG it was also obvious which characters Joss had a crush on and which he didn't.
He'll always get a pass for the "there's only one God" line though.
I don't know if Joss had a crush on Hulk.. He sure didn't in AOU.. BW was his main interest. His Buffy of the MCU.
Caps line you mention is awesome.. So is taking control of the Avengers (and they all step in line right away even IM) Cap running through the streets freaking leaping cars, telling the cops what to do but they ask who he is and then he takes out 5 Aliens and strikes an Awesome pose soon after. Jumping behind his shield when the alien explosive blows up.. I think if Cap just had a different Cowl you would have been very happy with Cap in Avengers.
I admit he is not Iron Man or Hulk but he is still pretty cool... Now Thor on the other hand.. Joss had no idea what to do with him in either film he directed.. OF course MCU didn't really seem to know what to do either until Thor 3.
Also Joss has Cap do plenty of cool things in AUO.. I mean he takes on Ultron by himself which was IMO the best part of the film. Movie is just awful
No.. There is a huge difference between how Joss treated Cap and how Russo's treated Hulk.
My head would have exploded if Hulk in EG got to do as much as Cap did in Avengers
Joss may not have had a crush on Cap but he liked him more then Russo's seemed to like Hulk. Banner on the other Hand.. Russo's love Banner.
Anyways.. Like I have been saying all along. I really hope my 2nd viewing is good therapy for me. Cap is not my 2nd fav Marvel comic hero but he is my 2nd fav MCU hero.
I should have been head over heals in love with everything this film did for Cap instead of leaving the theaters frustrated.
Where was my fan service.. Where damn it
Where was my fan service.. Where damn it

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