Hmm okay..I guess I need to see IW more carefully again.
Another thought I just had, maybe it's already been said - if 2014 Thanos had succeeded he would have done so this time without having to sacrifice Gamora....
No worries. Obviously there's a lot to take in with these movies.
In fact I've seen AEG twice now and I'm still not 100% clear on what the heroes were trying to do with the glove and the van in the final battle. Were they simply trying to throw the stones into Scott's time machine so that they'd be cast into some random time and place far away from 2014 Thanos? Did they see their current situation as being so dire that they just said "f--- it" with regard to fixing the alternate timelines and opted instead to just get them as far away from Thanos via any means possible? Or did I miss a more obvious explanation?
Another unfortunate thought I had on Gamora (which I don't believe is true since I'm sure she'll be back) is whether Tony thought in his mind "kill Thanos and all those he brought with him" when he snapped his fingers. Because that would certainly explain her sudden disappearance the moment the battle was over.
Spiderman is now projected to have a 200 million opening holy crap.
If EG beats Avatar and Spiderman opens with 200 million I can see Feige taking over Disney one day
While Endgame is a far Better movie..
I have not been this disapointed by a film since Godzilla 1998.
That film had a GINO and this one has a HINO
Like I said. Endgame is by far a better film.
But the feeling of frustration and disapointment I felt and that crappy feeling in the pit of my stomach was exactly how I felt hafter the 1998 Godzilla film.
I have no idea what I am going to do if the new Godzilla film sucks.
Glass let me down.
Endgame let me down.
I am sure Star Wars will let me down.
Please Godzilla.. Please...
I am starting to worry though
So was Tony lying to them about denying time travel and Scott’s theories. I found it puzzling that Tony all of a sudden figured it out .
What if Tony used Thano’s Gauntlet instead..would the result be the same
Was Tony using the arc reactor to survive in space the whole time before Marvel rescued him. Because I think he wasn’t eating, hence why he looked thin in the beginning![]()
Yep, lol. Even little things like how did Strange know to go get Wasp for the main battle since he'd never met her can all be covered under the "1 in 14 million" umbrella, lol. Strange saw millions of outcomes and Stark killing himself and winning the day only worked if this random Wasp chick he'd never met was also there so when he re-appeared on Titan with Peter and the GotG he then teleported everyone to Wakanda, gathered the fallen heroes there, then made sure to go grab Wasp off the rooftop before arriving at the battle.![]()
Someone also got word to Valkyrie that she was needed as well - AND that she should bring her flying horse!! I'm still trying to figure out how that critter could have been there. She had it in Asgard long ago when they battled Hela before Odin banished her, correct? Was the herd saved before Asgard was destroyed in Ragnarok? I don't recall seeing a Pegasus look-alike in a corral at New Asgard when Prof. Hulk & Rocket went to recruit Thicc Thor, but I guess we have to assume its survival is tied to that of Valkyrie's. I know, I know - don't sweat the details.![]()
No I'm totally with you and definitely wondered how she got her pegasus too, lol. I'm just going to assume that the valkyries can somehow magically summon their steeds no matter where they are because those scenes were just way too awesome to quibble about, lol.
I really can't get enough of the score from this movie.
Man you are in a sad state....
What if SW IX os everything you could have wanted? Would that make it all better?
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Haha glad I wasn't alone thinking where the Pegasus came from. I just let it pass because it really looked good on screen.![]()
Well there is no way that the film could do that. The other two films are too much of a mess.. So unless there is some time travel in IX to undo the last two especially TLJ then I don't see it becoming everything I want.. It could however be a decent stand alone movie which would be nice.
If Godzilla delivers.. Then the disappointment of EG will be worth it![]()