Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)
Let me fix that for you.
JW series are boring and repetitive one man army films.
cgi blood splatter yuck
The Stallone / Schwarzenegger / all things action cinema in you tells me you don't really believe that
But if true then that is another reason you should like part 3 more. He is not always alone.
Maybe you have outgrown the genre. You're growing up, boy.
Say its not so Jye!!
pfft T1 police station shoot out > any JW shoot out
Um.. Not fair to compare.. Its really two different genres, with two very different ways of shooting the action. T1 is a Sci Fi / horror while JW is straight up revenge /action.
Would T1 have been as cool if it was just some guy shooting up the police station and not an unstoppable killing machine?
Plus T1 is a freaking all time classic.
How about Any JW shoot > then all action in T2
T1 police shootout: the OG RO Vader sequence.
I like all the old action movies, but JW actually uses real tactical moves and fighting techniques. JW has surpassed the action and choreography of all those old one man army films.
I love watching the BTS video of Keanu training with the guns.
His Martial arts has also gotten so much better since the first Matrix film. Its been fun watching him grow.
I don’t know man I know i’m supposed to love John Wick I respect the technicality behind the craft I love Keanu I just don’t know it was all downhill for me 1 hour into the first movie.
I am not sure what to tell you Jye because I don't disagree with you all that much.. First time watching JW I thought it was OK at best. Then the 2nd film was announced and I went ahead and bought it on Blu Ray. I enjoyed it more for sure but still did not find it to be the end all be all of action films.
The 2nd one I was very disappointed in due to the "wait your turn" fighting we were talking about.. But I did appreciate the films style and look when I saw it a second time in 4K. It also got me pumped for part 3.
Part 3 is my fav.. A big reason is because the action is upped in brutality and originality but I have also come to accept what these films are.
Every question asked for the MCU actors during the press tour had to do with their character arcs and keeping secrets every question asked of the John Wick actors is how did you learn to reload so fast.
So basically every MCU actor was asked how to play pretend and every JW actor was how did they learn a real skill
Again not the same genre of movies.
One of the brilliant things about the MCU is that the are character driven movies.
John Wick is a throwback to 80's action cinema and Asian Martial arts films.
But like I said above with your first comment.. I get it.. I was not in love with the first two either but somehow found a way to enjoy them a little more with a repeat viewing of each.
I freaking had a blast with part 3. But if its not your thing then IDK if you will like it.
Its a tuff call... Just do what you told me you were going to do and rent the second and watch the third and let me know.
Only way to be sure.