Broke and happy
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)



Lol oh no it might not beat avatar ! [emoji33][emoji33][emoji32]. Honestly the further I get from this movie the more vapid and similar to avatar it actually gets. Not in terms of literal plot or anything. But the overall exaggerated perception.
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Totally agree.
I wanted to ask if anyone has realized yet that this movie was not, in fact, "epic" or a "masterpiece" now that the shiny newness is wearing off; but I didn't want to incur the wrath. People don't like it when other people don't like stuff.
It was like any of the other Marvel movies. It was competently made, enjoyable, and pretty much forgettable.
[emoji38]I fully agree Captain America in EG has to be one of the most forgettable things ever put to film.
Poster saved.
No cannibal campout though?
Poster deleted.
Yep, nothing memorable at all.
Can't hold a candle to BVS or JL.
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I fully agree Captain America in EG has to be one of the most forgettable things ever put to film.
Meh, but did it get a standing O?[emoji38] [emoji38]
Two straight hours of a packed house cheering? Bah, just another day at the movies, lol.
Most movies are forgettable, no argument there, but I wouldn't include Endgame in that.Of course it's just another day at the movies.
People will clap and cheer at anything, even Captain Marvel.
Hollywood churns out product so that there's one or two big "blockbusters" every month. People watch, clap, and forget. Then they preorder tickets for the next one.
Yeah, I'm old. I know. All I'm saying is, remember how T2 didn't just dominate a few weeks of 1991? It was an EVENT for almost the entire year. It was bigger than anything. Or Jurassic Park in 93?
The movie going experience has changed. To paraphrase Dash from the first "Incredibles:" When every movie is a blockbuster, that's the same as saying none are.
Of course it's just another day at the movies.
People will clap and cheer at anything, even Captain Marvel.
People will clap and cheer at anything, even Captain Marvel.
I get what you’re saying, Otomofan. It’s a double-edged sword.
We get to see things we never dreamed of, but nothing seems quite as special as it used to be.
But that’s partly our age talking (I’m old too).
I say, why not both? I cherish my memories of a time gone by, and enjoy the hell out of the times I’m in.
I think that goes for life in general.
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Nope, not to the extent of EG. I've never experienced a single film in history to have that much applause and cheering from beginning to end. Not T2, not JP, and certainly not Captain Marvel.
It's not that the rest of us aren't aware of these things, hell, I can usually predict what's going to happen in most movies within the first 15 minutes. But I think it has more to do with not letting all your potential joy be ruined by being so jaded, and to just learn to let go and enjoy things as they come, by being in the moment.Unfortunately, I lost the ability to watch a movie with child-like wonder a long time ago.
The only real fault I have with the Marvel movies is that they didn't come out 25 years ago when I would have shat my pants to see those characters on the big screen. Now I'm just a grumpy old man that can only see formulaic predictable plots and corporate agendas.
It's like everyone else sees the Matrix but all I see is the green code scrolling by.