I ended up watching the remainder of the film in conjunction.
Damn, major heartstrings when this plays
Yeah, that and the music that plays at the funeral. Great stuff.
I ended up watching the remainder of the film in conjunction.
Damn, major heartstrings when this plays
I ended up watching the remainder of the film in conjunction.
Damn, major heartstrings when this plays
Well Xfinity refunded my money but didn't delete EG from my account so after four days of it taunting me I said screw it and watched it. Crappy 2D, cropped aspect ratio, 1080p, and not even 1080p disc but streaming, lol. It. Didn't. Matter.
Blown away all over again. Perfect finale. Not only is that final battle insanely awesome but everything that follows (Stark's death, funeral, Clint's/Lang's/T'Challa's families reuniting/Happy and Morgan/Thor and the Guardians. Just a string of one perfect scene to the next. And then the absolute classiest end credit send-off in cinematic history (no disrespect to ROTK.)
And Silvestri's score. An absolute homerun on so many levels.
The take a knee scene definitely wouldn't have worked, glad they let it go.
Hulk's gamma radiated body being destined to save half the universe completes his arc in satisfying fashion for me. He questioned his purpose in A1 and in EG it's realized and fulfilled.
SW's takedown of Thanos was satisfying as hell watching it so soon after IW.
Only real nitpicks are the girl power scene (and really it's just the massive posedown that sets up the scene, it's pretty cool when they're all running and probably would have worked fine if CM just started flying with only one or two escorts and then passed each lady when zooming across the battlefield.) Second nitpick is Rhodey's cheese whiz line. I don't think that such a major scene was the right place for him to throw out such a flippant insult. Man between that and him mocking Cap deleted scene they really considered making him an ass for this movie, lol.
It was funny to see Rocket go "boom!" next to Tony when he was attaching the stones to the glove to give him a taste of his own medicine from when he poked Banner on the A1 helicarrier, lol.
They really nailed that 1970 detour with Steve and Tony. That could have been this film's "farmhouse" just dragging it to a screeching halt but even sitting through it for the fourth time I enjoyed it and found myself really appreciating once again seeing Tony get closure with his dad.
I guess I could go on about all the same stuff as when it was in theaters. This is just one for the ages and like the OT and LOTR before it I expect to savor it for the rest of my life.
Barton's words to SW at Tony's funeral really speaks for the entire MCU. "We won. We did it." Yes indeed.
Plus Rhodey called Starlord an idiot if i’m not mistaken, very ugly Rhodey they were building up.
I watched Infinity War again tonight, think I've seen that about 5 times now. What a terrific Duology it and Endgame make.
And the two of them are only 30 minutes shy of the entire OT!
Who the hell says let's make 20 films and then oh yeah close it out with an OT-level finale, lol.![]()
"Let's make three movies and then close out the DCEU with an AOTC-level finale," lol.
In 2008 we got the birth of the MCU and a great film from both Marvel and DC (IM/TDK.)
Perhaps the end of the MCU (or Infinity Saga if you prefer) will finally give us a year with a great film from each company again. It's all on Joker now.
According to this video it's been confirmed that Old Man Cap had been there all along, he and Peggy were married and had those kids.
But...but....what if post-freeze Cap had decided to do some Superman Returns-esque stalking of Peggy to find out who she ended up with?
And if her husband was always the 2023 Cap who had traveled back in time doesn't that mean the Infinity War/Endgame was always going to end the way it did so how the hell was Dr. Strange seeing all these other 99.9% of outcomes where they lose? Surely none of them could have happened because 2023 Steve Rogers had always been there in the-
Don't patronize me with your Groot branch of peace !!!![]()
There's no recovering from this ****!!!
Except he's not Evans Cap. He's not even Falcon Cap. He's the equivalent of whoever gets cast as Captain America a third time. See Groot branch still extended, lol.
Also if it makes you feel any better the IW/EG writers say that if they were going to write for another superhero their first choice would be Superman since they believe that MCU Cap proved that audiences are still hungry for a genuinely good hero that so far doesn't exist in the DCEU, lol.![]()