I would’ve preferred Sif over Valkyrie as well but since it wasn’t contractually possible (they tried) I think Valkyrie was a good 2nd choice just because she was so freaking hot in Thor 3 lol
Yeah I don't fault them for it and Valkyrie was cool so it worked well enough, Sif just would have been a little sweeter IMO (and I think she's hotter than Tessa, lol.)
Come on, this is Captain America we're talking about. Do you really think he's going to experiment with his hairstyle when he's about 100 years old? He's going to part his hair in the same damn place he's parted it his entire life.And with Peggy being dead, he'd be in the NFG zone with respect to maintaining any kind of cover story regarding who he actually was - i.e., he's not going to part it on the other side to disguise his appearance.
Except he didn't part his hair the same way his entire life so it's not worth putting too much stock in IMO. The writers say he was at the funeral but "in the back" which assumedly means seated in the back, not that I actually believed that they had him in mind when filming the pallbearer scene, it's just a fun connection since there really is a white-haired fellow carrying it at the point furthest away from young Steve.
Anyway, I see that they've also gone on record as stating that alternate timelines are *only* created when you remove an infinity stone from the past, so if you go back in time and all stones are where they should be then you stay in the original timeline even if you "change" something (of course nothing really is changed, since 1945 became EG Cap's "present" and then him having kids with Peggy just became a part of the unaltered reality of that future going forward, the future that ended up becoming the present for his 2011 self and all the rest of the Avengers. So with that in mind Cap didn't actually have to return Mjolnir, it would have simply disappeared from 2013 reality and reappeared in 2023 which would have prevented it from being destroyed by Hela. However since he *did* bring it back we ended up with Ragnarok as it played out on screen. Yep, totally messes with your head.

So you can have alternate "people" (two Caps, two Nebulas, Gamoras and Thanoses) but not alternate timelines...unless you remove an Infinity Stone and don't put it back. Which is why 2014 Nebula could go to 2023 and get killed by her older self without causing her older self to then disappear like Bruce Willis at the end of Looper. Because at that time "2014 Nebula" was a copy of her past self (an alternate) but not her *actual* past self.
I'm inclined to think that if 2014 Gamora walked up to the Avengers after the battle and said "okay we stopped Thanos now please send me back" I bet Banner would say, "uh, *our* past is not your future, you're an alternate that was created as soon as you skipped ahead to our time. If we send you back then you'll be living in the past with our Gamora (the one who joined the GotG) so you might as well just stay here with us."