Avengers: Infinity War - (warning: Spoilers)

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I find it really embarrassing to hear people scream and holler like that at a commercial for a film which is essentially just a commercial for the next film.

But I guess I can understand it. They paid hundreds, even thousands of dollars to be the first people to see that commercial and probably waited in line for hours or even days to get the pass that allowed them to be in the room to see it. It probably feels like a rock concert while you're there. Adrenaline flowing....unbelievable build up....and then the lights FINALLY go down. No wonder they scream.

And then in 2 minutes and 30 seconds it's all over. And they cheer and applaud and probably take a few selfies to show everyone how special they are. How they were the chosen few that got to see the commercial first.

And they roll into the office on Tuesday or Wednesday, after all the headache of traveling just to get home, and are so excited to brag to everyone about seeing Captain America's beard onscreen for 2 seconds but their coworkers are unimpressed.

"Yeah we saw it. Marvel put it on youtube a few hours after the convention."

And they get to their desk with a week's worth of emails piled up. But it was all worth it. They saw it FIRST.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

They kind of gave away the ending of Ragnorok in the begining of this trailer so I wonder why they did this when Thor hasn't even released yet

It's like we know something happens to him now :lecture
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Well, all we know is that Thor gets thrown in space, maybe Loki betrays him again and sides with Thanos.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Is the camo pants/sleeveless-t his look in the comics? They've done a pretty good job of advancing the comic book costumes into live action outfits...

He usually wears the same traditional costume. He's had a few casual outfits, but they're not kewl.

Unless you think these are cool :lol

Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

They kind of gave away the ending of Ragnorok in the begining of this trailer so I wonder why they did this when Thor hasn't even released yet

It's like we know something happens to him now :lecture

Yeah, I mean, it's a cool trailer and everything, but now I wish I didn't see it.
It's like some WB-level untimely spoiler, that IW trailer.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Its worse because you see thor and loki fighting together and now at IW you see loki giving thanos the cosmic cube

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Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

You have to be pretty casual to think that IW trailer spoils anything.

We all knew that Loki has to bring the Cube to Thanos since The Avengers.
We all knew that Thor will survive Rag and gonna help against Thanos since Age of Crapton.
What next? New Hot Toys Loki fig havin' the cube for accessory on display at SDCC17 is a spoiler?

Like... duh!
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

Because Loki wants power and he probably feels that siding with Thanos will get him the most power.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I am confused on the whole Disney/Universal relationship, Marvel comics are prominent at Islands of Adventure, but Mcu characters likeness is all over the Universal stores which was odd to me but MCU's is very minimal at Disney stores and more than anything feature kids Marvel merch. I just went to the parks two weeks ago and Universal is for grown up nerds, even their stores sell Sideshow/Hot Toys figures, Not to mention how their rides are way over the top to Disney and i have been to disney like ten times at least. This was in Florida,
But its obvious since Disney rethemed the Tower of Tower to match GOTG, but i dont know if its a city thing. Many people will want to flock to disney in florida thinking oh yeah sure marvel heaven, but seriously head over to universal to find the movie replica props and excellent merch

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If I remember correctly, I believe Marvel had sold all the rights to Universal for their Island of Adventure theme park to use all their characters in the 90's around the same time as their bankruptcy and selling off rights to Sony & Fox for their movies. They probably can't predominately showcase them in Disney since it would compete with Universal and thus be breaking their legal contracts. Just like the movies where they can't use the X-Men, FF and Spidey. And Universal isn't gonna give them up as they have millions invested in rides and attractions at their Park....

Maybe some day they'll be able to do a whole part of the park like they are with SW land opening in 2019. They do have a lot of Marvel stuff in their Disney cruises, since there's no competition with Universal there.
Re: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR - (May 4, 2018)

I know it wouldn't make sense..but could they try to get DP for Part 2