Avengers Secret Wars - November 7, 2025

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Pretty much this....

We have a multiverse established already with multiple characters being re created in alternate versions

And entire show and comic called What If exists.

We saw Thanos rise from the dead as well, everyone was fine with that.

So why not a Stark in the multiverse that becomes Doom instead of Iron man so hard to swallow?

He basically was headed there before he went to the cave.

Can people really be serious they are this angry Doom is not some rando price from Latvia?

You guys need new personas beside constant Disney rage.....
Well, yeah. And I'm more mildly/somewhat interested.

I think a lot of RDJ as an actor. He fought for that IM role, think folks forget Favreau thought he was too old and didn't want him at first.

Dunno why I keep thinking Fassbender...anyway IMO it's a wasted opportunity to bring on board an up and coming actor. Am sure they are there. It's not that comics aren't like a revolving door at times. It's just not as exciting as getting someone new in.

On the other hand, pretty sure RDJ didn't chase the part. So probably the Russos chased him for reasons.
Being reported only 2 actors have earned 100 million for a single movie.

Cruise for TGM
Smith for MIB3

and now RDJ will be the first to do it with 2 consecutive movies:

100 million for Doomsday

100 million for Secret Wars




I don’t know if that’s worth upsetting Darthkostis though.
They'll recoup enough to pay RDJ, maybe. Is Wolverine making a cameo in any of this? Blade? Elektra? I know I have no desire to see either one of those movies. I ain't their demographic anymore.
Can someone explain "Secret Wars" and "Doomsday" in a nut shell to me -- or give me the log line?
I think literally everyone is wondering the same thing. :slap

The 2 have nothing to do with each other as far as a comic run. Who knows what Doomsday is. I hope its Doom killing all the new B Avengers so they have to come up with the C team.

Secret Wars has been done several times and each has been different. So who the hell knows. It certainly won't have anything to do with the original 80s run which in my opinion is the only good one anyway.

So I don't even care. :lol Everyone will be just ooing and awwwwing at the return of the prodigal son who will save the MCU.
Is this more of those Skrills or Skrulls or whatever they are from Capt Marvel?

Maybe Secret Wars begins Dr Doom's rise... and, after a number of one-offs in-between, then Doomsday is the Finale...? Is this the MCU's attempt at another but smaller 'story arc'?
I think a lot of RDJ as an actor.
He's easy to make fun of but he's got natural screen charisma and talent, no doubt. Thing is, I find him highly entertaining but he still screams "Look I'm RDJ" in every role I see ... the most subtlety I've seen was his Oppenheimer appearance and even that was at least a parenthetical "pssst -- still RDJ" ... but none of this is my issue.

My issue is that he was the beginning and end of a stunning cinematic cycle (one that had ups and downs, sure) and had his final chapter.

What next, Mark Hamill as Emperor Palpatine (who somehow returns again)?
RDJ wins an Oscar, then straight back into the Marvel game.

What a bizarre choice.

One of the dangers here is he mails it in. Lots of older actors, if they've won their Oscar finally, or have reached a point in their career where all that left is to be caricature/fan service guy, just get into that rut and stay there. Look at Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury. Dude mailed it in the entire time. In parts of Phase 2 and Phase 3, despite so little screen time, the guy was in total paycheck mode. Obviously the American film industry is different than foreign markets. If SLJ tried that crap in like the South Korean film industry, he would have been dragged in the back of an alley and got beaten with a pipe wrench. If Harrison Ford tried his irritated self destructive crap in the South Korean film industry, he would literally get disappeared.

Harrison Ford
Christopher Walken
John Malkovich
Jeff Goldblum
James Woods
Robert DeNiro
And, glaringly so, since his Oscar win, Al Pacino. After Scent Of A Woman, Pacino just mailed it in. Shouting, acting coked out, chewing scenery, grandstanding. He never stopped being Colonel Slade.

If RDJ doesn't hit well in his first Doom appearance, this could spiral out of control pretty quickly. He already has his Oscar. He's already beloved no matter what he does in the MCU. He already has his huge paydays. And he's actually kind of a limited actor ( He plays himself, but he's fun and charismatic, but it's not a ton of range and that could hurt these films) The risk of him mailing it in can be pretty high here.

"You get killed walking your doggy!"

It's fun a lot of the times, but it's cheap. It never stops being cheap. I'd like to avoid seeing RDJ go cheap on everyone. Just my take on it.
The Russos said that RDJ wasn't interested in CW until he found out that he basically got to be the villain so I wonder if this was the only way they could get him to say yes. So in other words both greedy RDJ and desperate Marvel, lol.

someone said he hated the helmet scenes of iron man they were uncomfortable the ones where he is inside the helmet. so as doom he might not have those. and stunt guys can do most of the shoots.

It all smells of "I need a win" by Feige/Marvel/Disney. There is every world scenario where I would take RDJ back as TS. There is NO World where I'd have him back as Doom.

MCU is making me feel like the Matrix series. Seems like there was a great plan through Endgame (in the case of the Matrix, through the first movie). After that however...scattered, what-do-we-do-now-to-keep-this-thing-going-because-it's-printing-money-plan.

matrix 3 was never supposed to exist. they only had plans for matrix 2. ( and the game)
the studio forced them to do a third one and they stretched the plot of 1 movie into 2 movies.
that's why matrix 2 has all the action and that's why matrix 3 is boring.

I woke up in the middle of the night, and had some cereal because I couldn't sleep. I must have scrolled Facebook or something.

Because when I saw this mentioned this morning, I had my first "Wait, that was real???" moment in a long time.
I thought that he was promoting something else and he was dressed like that as a meme or a joke.
I thought he was doing a new project but the doctor Doom was a joke.
I didn't think he be real
Just watch that clip. Proves his ego is even bigger than the paychecks he gets from Disney. His head won't fit under the hood. He's standing there like he's the second coming and the savior of the MCU. People would've been throwing roses at his feet if they had them.

The crowd cheered just as loudly when they unveiled Ian McDiarmid returning as Palpatine in TROS. Like he too would save Star Wars.

How'd that work out? :rotfl

well I don't feel like his ego is that big. he's been pretty low key outside of marvel. he seemed real nice in the Joe Rogan interview. down to earth.
I don't feel he has big ego
Even in the event that RDJ does a great job as Doom I still won't be able to help feeling like it was a wasted opportunity to give another talented actor the spotlight.

Even if he's just a Doom variant, what are the chances we're ever gonna see another version of Doom again in the MCU after Doomsday and Secret Wars? Pretty low I'd say.

that's the biggest sadness from this yeah?
it needed to be Tom Cruise or cast Christian Bale as doom or tom Hanks or something like that
or cast like Antonio Banderas or something.

or cast Jason Stathan

legit I would watch this. no lie. I would sadly be happy about this. yes? yes I would