Avengers - The Infinity War a.k.a The Hot Toys Reckoning

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*Spoilery* Cap-Bucky-BW shot that came from the trailer. "Everyone" saw this already but I'll use tags. I just like looking at my definite three$$$$ and the costume details.

LOL Russos use the term "deconstructed" for Cap.

Am sure they are sitting on some upgrades etc. for the final movie.

Spoiler Spoiler:

Anyway it's not these three that worry me re purchase, it's all the other ones I might want. Like I was only planning on one IM and I have the CW version, but re the leaded concept art of new IM armor - I think nothing like that will ever get made again. And can't believe Falcon won't get an upgrade along the way.
ScarJo talking about possible direction for BW solo with Variety and mentions it can go after A4. She might have dropped a bombshell about the Avengers...

Spoiler Spoiler:
He was in hiding... Look at Cap. No money for new gear. I dont think Falcon even knows how to come up with new gear. He's not Tony.

For me that's kinda interesting when I think about it. Because I'm fascinated by what the fugitives have been up to while Tony apparently rebuilds e.g. is at least physically comfortable.

The implication to me is that Cap and others show up in Wakanda and an invasion? starts almost immediately. Because IMO if Cap had a few days to kick around in Wakanda I'm sure T'challa would outfit him better. Which also means (possibly) Bucky is woken up rather abruptly without worrying about his mental state because there's no time (at least they got an arm on him...)

Cool. Pressure is on....kinda matches what the Russos said earlier, the world is caught off guard.
Hulkbuster was delayed becuz it was redesigned to accommodate the mark 43, I don't foresee the Hulkbuster 2.0 going through the same developmental issues.

Spoiler Spoiler:

I'd prefer some type of waist articulation to the "fit a whole figure inside" feature again. I honestly never seen the point of that. The bust is enough.
I'd prefer some type of waist articulation to the "fit a whole figure inside" feature again. I honestly never seen the point of that. The bust is enough.

Yeah, esp. when you had to worry about scratching your fig getting him inside. In theory it's kinda cool I guess, but the wear and tear.

I try to avoid duplicates of characters I already have, and I already have FA Cap and AOU Cap, but "Nomad" Cap could be intriguing depending how they run with it in the movie. The idea that they may be deconstructing Cap as a man 'without a country' could be really powerful.
So the facebook page "The Art of Phil Saunders" (the guy who designs the Iron Man armors) posted about the new armor for this movie... I asked if he knew if it was indeed mark 50 or not? Originally he played coy and said he didn't know, until I posted the lego mark 50 picture and then he admitted that it is indeed Mark 50 and it was planned to be that way for awhile.


I'm "Jeremy" btw. :wave

P.S. Yes, I'm aware the picture in the screen shot is mark 45. Thats his profiles picture. The one he uploaded for mk 50 is off screen.
Is there a clear picture of the full Mark 50 suit? And what is mark 48 and 49?

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Mk 49 new Hulkbuster or Mk 48?- plus Tony probably has a drone suit as 48/9. Just guessing
For the *cheaters* like me:

So apparently a tweet went up and was taken down. But,
Marvel fans were stirred up with excitement after it was announced that a brand new sneak peek for Avengers: Infinity War would debut later tonight. But after Marvel deleted their original tweet announcing it, confusion arose over whether it was actually true.

The Twitter account for The Static Shift clarified that the sneak peek will indeed air during tonight's episode of The Launch on CTV:

** We will be posting live updates about tonight’s episode of The Launch based on the 9pm eastern time zone, for anyone watching at home in Alberta at 8pm MT or in BC at 9pm PT who want to avoid spoilers! **

It will be airing during a commercial break on The Launch, and we will be posting it on all our social media platforms after the show tonight! :)

[There's no indication of what this sneak peek will entail, whether it will be a new trailer or some sort of featurette with behind-the-scenes footage. It's unlikely to be the former, considering Marvel tends to publicize any Avengers: Infinity War reveals with a lot of fervor.]

Also the Infinity War Prelude Comic #1 was released, which apparently has the first view of Tony's armor. There be SPOILERS? I dunno - got the Kindle version, will read tonight.

I wouldn't call it the "first look" since it's the same armor used in the trailer and all the promo stuff so far.

True. Maybe they mean all the whistles and bells? It's just - I wasn't planning another IM, but if the armor is something that to me is just mind-blowing guess I had better have some reward points on hand. That's the only way I was able to swing the CW Iron Man diecast. No regrets.
And do we know if there is a War Machine Mark 4 or is this still the MK3 suit in the trailer

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