Bank Robber Joker

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i was reading the problems that people were having with the velcro in the v1 joker. do u guys think that this version will have the velcro to hold the button up shirt together??

also from the pictures it looks like the shirt is some what loose fitting so hopefully it would be to hard to keep it closed
The suit, heres a pic.................

I just wonder where the heck the button is? Ya like i'll ever find that little thing! :lol

Sorry dude, that sucks. I love Hot Toys, but they're clothes are notorious for losing buttons, particularly if they're glue on and not sewn.
Easy Munch :lol, if I read right, Elder's new to the HT Batman scene and probably has never seen it posted that SSC can't sell these.
That's the truth there. I just saw this guy, and became instantly possesed to get him. If my mum lets me, I think I may go with Joe.:rock

That is if he's got any left.*crosses fingers*






Just reposting the pics, they were quite a few pages back, and wanted the people just joining in on the discusion not to go through the grief of searching the entire thread.
I thought I should point out just incase... from looking at the reference pics, just incase somebody else asks...

  1. 4 buttons on the purple coat.
  2. 3 on the grey.
  3. 3 on the green, yes it looks like there is one missing, but it's actually 3.
  4. 5 buttons on either cuff(s)m

Unless there is more hidden away... not about to go taking the jackets off to see mind you.
:lol My cats too busy sawing logs right now! :D

Purina son!!!! Hurry before it gets too old, LOL, just jokn, I think mine sleeps all day until I get home from work and then she runs around the house all night!!! Night baby... She's only 1 though, still a lil one!