Bank Robber Joker

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Harvey's hands were tied behind his back and when he fell on the floor (hands behind back), he was laying on his chest and face. So his hand didn't get covered in gasoline. Thus when the explosion happened his hand didn't catch fire.
We don't need two black balls hanging beneath our figures balls.

What did ya expect .... "did they DROP off" ?!?!

And as for the figure ... oh jesus, ridiculous. I'm gonna have to drop $$$ for v1 body and suit, and this ridiculously authentic v2 Joker.
Ive decided im gonna pass on bank robber Joker or just get it sometime next year. Cant afford it atm :(
I'm hoping that I can scrap together the cash in time for his release as I really, really don't want to pass on this. *crosses fingers* :(
This is what I thought of while looking at that sig:

Do I really look like a guy with a plan?"
No. DC's has a big ol' stupid body, and the DC head is too small. So.....

Yes, we know ... but you refuse to conceed the DC Direct head sculpt is leaps and bounds better than the v1 HT Joker. I mean it is light years more accurate than the original rushed Hot Topic head sculpt. There isn't even an argument there. DC's body is abnormal, the one positive is the flexibility of the upper torso, however, that can accurately give the Joker the hunch Ledger's used as a mannerism to bring his Joker to life. None of the Hot Toys Joker have that ...
The big body, and small head has nothing to do with the sculpt.

Still V1 > DC Direct. Always. Les Repaint changes things, but only so.

And the Bank robber has the hunch, so ha. Ha ha oh he he ah ha, oh ee ah ha.
Still V1 > DC Direct. Always.
In terms of everything but the head sculpt, of course. No one is debating that. Just as there is no debating which head sculpt easily has the better likeness between v1 Joker and DC Direct's offering.

Thank god HT put more effort and got the actual likeness down to a "T" this 2nd time around. I would've been pissed if I bought that 1st one and then HT released this extremely accurate Bank Robber Joker with just the slicked back hair sculpt. Thank your lucky stars HT included the best face sculpt around to switch for the abysmal head sculpt on the v1 Joker. I'm buying both the v1 and v2 now to make the two ultimate movie Jokers.

And the Bank robber has the hunch, so ha. Ha ha oh he he ah ha, oh ee ah ha.

What are you laughing at? This isn't a pissing contest? Everyone here and everyone else knows the HT Bank Robber Joker is the best piece of merchandise based ont he character of the movie.
....and I thought my jokes were bad.

(its a line from the movie duder)

Yeah, and it doesn't have anything to do with what we were discussing ... you were using it like "oh I showed you" type of deal. And I was like " ... " *stone face*
Why are you even bringing this up? The body is too big, FACT, and the head (may or may not be) too small for a Hot Toys. So...he cant replace the cloths, or head.
Why are you even bringing this up? The body is too big, FACT, and the head (may or may not be) too small for a Hot Toys. So...he cant replace the cloths, or head.

What are you even talking about? I said the sculpt on the DC Direct head was superior to the HT v1 Joker. I then said all you need to do is switch the updated extra head sculpt from the Bank Robber Joker onto the v1 Hot Toys Joker body.