Bank Robber Joker

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Ys, HT's got a money maker, but they owe it all to Heath. His portrayal is what's selling HT Joker to me, not their figures so much. I love Ledger Joker, I'm in for whatever HT does.
I hear december for the most part too but someone said September or something like that......
It did help, but money is really tight at the moment so I can only get one and its hard saying "get the bankrobber over the suit he wears in 95% of the movie" but im sure ill figure out something. THanks!

Maybe this is to late, but get v1 Classis Joker and repaint the head to look more like the Joker in the film. Then you'r close to the best of both worlds. Don't be afraid of the repaint. It's not as hard as you might think. You do it a little at a time using a wash and dry paint. I did it so anyone can. With all the talent on this thread, you should have no problem. I'm sure they will be able to help you.
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Maybe this is to late, but get v1 Classis Joker and repaint the head to look more like the Joker in the film. Then you'r close to the best of both worlds. Don't be afraid of the repaint. It's not as hard as you might think. You do it a little at a time using a wash and dry paint. I did it so anyone can. With all the talent on this thread, you should have no problem. I'm sure they will be able to help you.

To be honest, I already have a custom head coming from Chris Howes so im set on that but I still really want the bank robbers head
Regarding Two-Face - if they were that into double-dipping they wouldn't have given us a Bruce head with Batman. Now if they do Bruce Wayne down the pike, a lot of people wouldn't buy because they already have the best part - the portrait head. They can't really do a 2-in-1 like Supes because the suit isn't removeable. So I expect a Two-Face with 2 heads, although I don't think we'll get 2 suit jackets. Like with the Bruce head - people are resourceful enough to scout out a standard suit on their own.
I would feel like a sucker to purchase the second Joker. The first one had a great outfit that is iconic to the character. The head although the head isn't perfect, it's sill great. Still, I admire Hot Toys for being good capitalist.
I would feel pretty safe betting that when HT does Harvey he will have 2 headsculpts and that is the last we would see of him.
Darklord Dave said:
So I expect a Two-Face with 2 heads
2 heads, 2 jackets, 4 hands, 1 coin and 1 gun (a 38). Sounds reasonable. Two Face doesn't really have a lot of accessories so why not pad that with extra clothes. WOuld anyway buy a NORMAL Harvey Dent figure!? What would the accessories be!? "Action Briefcase"!? lol..

fanboyz said:
I would feel like a sucker to purchase the second Joker. The first one had a great outfit that is iconic to the character.
You're not the first person I've seen say that and I completely disagree. Iconic to what!? The film? Because that outfit is NOT iconic to the Joker. His normal outfit, the outfit the Joker is known for looks nothing like the outfit Heath Ledger wore in TDK. Regardless, imo the make-up is the signature of the Joker, not his outfit. Put him into some shorts, a hawaiian shirt and a straw hat like "The Killing Joke" and it's STILL the Joker. His clothes don't matter. It's the make-up. The new Bank Robber Joker is STILL the Joker. Put him into a nurse outfit.. STILL the Joker. If anything, you should feel "like a sucker" for getting a really crappy Joker head with that V.1 purchase. Guarantee you get the new Bank Robber Joker head sculpt and pop that on your V.1 body.. you'll truly have a COMPLETE TDK Joker.
The v.1 head is "crappy"? Please. Lets save the hyperbole for the SW threads. :rolleyes:

This is coming from someone who doesn't collect any of this stuff.. so believe it's 100% impartial. The V.1 head is crappy. Period. Is it a good JOKER head? Yes. Absolutely. Is it a good Heath Ledger from TDK JOKER head? Hell NO. Period.