Same here. I got mine for under $600 through AE, but it would have cost me over $150 more buying it from SS. As much as I like this thing, I never would have paid almost $750 for it.
Agreed; I was going to pass altogether if I couldn't get it for close to $600 shipped; my final bill from Alter Ego was $623
Oh yeah, thanks.

He did ask what the difference is between
this (meaning the HT model) and the Returns car...but I read and thought "what is the difference between the
89 and Returns car?"
I believe you're correct that he wanted to know the difference between the cars; I just wanted to clarify because there seems to be a number of people assuming a "2.0" version of this car will appear with the Returns license - when in fact this car represents both the 1989 and 1992 films in terms of features.
You're right, the Hot Toys version covers nearly all of the features movies that are practical to recreate. Like other's though, I really wish it had included the pull-out engine (and the pop-up hood vents while they're at it!)
The pull-out engine and pop-up hood vents would have gone a
long way in my book in terms of justifying the price tag. I do feel this collectible is missing one killer
"that's incredible!" feature to really put it over the top.
I love this collectible. I've had it nearly a week now and I love it more every passing day. I was truly speechless when I pulled the cocoon off and saw it for the first time in person. It is an amazing, wonderful thing and I'm so glad to have it. But that said, it is my first (and last) 1:6 scale vehicle; I've only ever owned 1:6 scale Hot Toys figures before this, and I do not feel it's anywhere near the same level of high-end collectible status that their figures are.
I agree with Rorywan who said it was overall pretty cheap looking. It is a big plastic toy car. I'd go so far as to say this is basically the Barbie Car for our Batman. The details just aren't as sharp, refined, and intricate as you see in their figures. A lot of that is inherent in the design for this car - the details
weren't very sharp. But even still, I feel Hot Toys could have done more with what was there (and making improvements to the source material is not unheard of for Hot Toys - I mean look at how much better the new Classic and Scar Predators headsculpts look compared to the ****ty rubber masks they're sourced from). Take for example the carseats; they're nice, but they don't look like carseats on the collectible - they look like
toy car seats. The dashboard on the other hand is of course incredible.
Realistically for what it is, I feel this would have been priced fairly at $300. The finish and kind of plastic used has a lot to do with that "toy car" feel, I think. I know the car is supposed to be matte and I wouldn't want the super-glossy look of the
Returns car, but I don't feel the body material or the finish is right. It ought to feel and look more metallic than it does. There's a difference between a matte metal look and a plastic car look.