Also, because I can't resist, on the subject of Burton Batman world vs. Arkham world, I think it's straight up stupid to say that the Arkham games are better films/movies. I mean, where the **** did that come from?
These Arkham games aren't movies, they're video games. Apples and oranges. They can't be better movies because they're not movies! The 4 games (assuming Knight is good, I don't see why it wouldn't be) are more fun and immersive than
all 8 live action Batman movies. Ain't going to even argue against that. In these games you can BE Batman. You can fly around the city, beat up villains, play as sidekicks, solve puzzles, and fight dozens upon dozens of colorful rogues that the films will never touch. Not to mention you're following an adventure and playing missions that are more than a mere, 2 and a half hour movie. You won't hear any groaning from me.
With that said though, these games would be better if they gave us some film skins. Imagine driving around in the '89 Batmobile, or gliding around in the Begins Batsuit, or grappling enemies in the '89 Batsuit. Julie Mewmar, Pfieiffer, Hathaway playable Catwoman skins anyone? It'd be pure bliss. Dunno why they don't do this.