Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

People seemed to like that sit-com dialogue. Avengers wasn't nearly as divisive as MOS is. Incidentally I did just think about a piece of humour in MOS. The woman soldier saying ''He's hot'' at the end. Very high-brow!

As regards 'realism' I'm talking about this ''grounded in reality'' stuff Nolan started because he was embarrassed about making a superhero film - the idea that the world the hero inhabits is in fact the very world we inhabit if something amazing happened - along came a superhero. It starts to become a problem when you're asked to accept that all of a sudden, out of the blue, not just one superhero but numerous superheroes and villains start showing up. That really stretches credibility too much if you're trying to present a realistic world.

And that is what MOS has started. It makes no mention of any previous superheroes. Superman is the first. Humanity's experience up to this point is apparently our own real-world experience.

The fact that it makes no mention of previous superheroes is irrelevant when it in fact sets the ground for a number of them with the very well known easter eggs, so MoS was very open ended in that regard, you can't say that of the Nolan Trilogy.

I don't see the problem, that's what makes it all the more impressive, if they can pull it off, because it's all the more real of an experience, they can expand with explanations later.

People seemed to have liked that line as well, I saw it 3 times in theaters and people laughed each time, it has various other bits that are meant to be humorous and they are, like the "nice suit" line.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

^^^ u saw it 3 times, i hope the production / edit team would see it 3 times before releasing, the results would be much better :(

Stupid stuff:

1) tornado scene
2) too much of jor el ghost talking
3) if i were zor, i would first injure any Adams to make sups suffer, no clue how she can roam around everywhere and not a stone falls on her
4) billion dollar satellite scene...what a stupid joke
5) i personally felt that "he is so hot" was like, we have to fit it in cause so far no one is feeling it
6) too much of matrix 2 .... Neo vs agent smith battle (zor vs sups) . Avengers had one Loki smash and it was bigger than the 1000 smashes we saw in mos.
7) jor el beats zor but he is standing there like an idiot and gets caught off guard by that lightning lethal stab by zor and dies ... Wow!
8) the glasses disguise scene

I can list a lot more...

The only scene in the movie that really touched me and was worth the money was...

" a good death is its own reward... The plane scene"
To me thats all that MOS is!
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

^^^ u saw it 3 times, i hope the production / edit team would see it 3 times before releasing, the results would be much better :(

Stupid stuff:

1) tornado scene
2) too much of jor el ghost talking
3) if i were zor, i would first injure any Adams to make sups suffer, no clue how she can roam around everywhere and not a stone falls on her
4) billion dollar satellite scene...what a stupid joke
5) i personally felt that "he is so hot" was like, we have to fit it in cause so far no one is feeling it
6) too much of matrix 2 .... Neo vs agent smith battle (zor vs sups) . Avengers had one Loki smash and it was bigger than the 1000 smashes we saw in mos.
7) jor el beats zor but he is standing there like an idiot and gets caught off guard by that lightning lethal stab by zor and dies ... Wow!
8) the glasses disguise scene

I can list a lot more...

1) Almost everybody agrees on that :lol even me.
2) I don't think there was too much Ghost Jor-El, on the other hand, I would've like the Jor-El helping Lois scene to be more subtle and no fighter Jor-El at the beginning.
3)That's not exclusive to MoS though.
4)It was a fantastic bit.
5) Well Zod >>>> Loki physically speaking, Zod and Superman went through buildings like if it was warm butter, the Hulk couldn't, but I agree, you couldn't tell if they were really causing any damage on each other
6) most of the female reviewers and friends where "noticing" before the joke.
8)That scene was pretty much perfect.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

It does not have to grounded in reality to the point were nothing super natural can exist , but I like the dark tone it had similar to the previous Batman movies. Its not a comedy so I don't care about having humor and certainly not up to the point were it throws everything off like the did with the Mandarin in Iron Man totally messed up the flow of the movie.

And considering this formula is working why change it. Superman returns was has some good moments but it was continuous reference to the past movie is what limited it. Just face it the Superman from your youth is finished even in the new 52 he follows in the same vein as the movie.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

My problems were :

Krypton is just every sci-fi movie of the past 15 years cobbled togeather. Watching Russel Crowe dive off his Avatar beast into the Matrix baby pit in time to dodge Zod's Clone War gunships was a terrible way to set the tone.

The Codex storyline isn't needed and makes a mediocre amount of sense at best with how little time it's given. Just bloated and forgettable, get it out.

Pa Kent's death should have won the Oscar for best suicide.

Lois shows up anywhere at a moment's notice. She doesn't need to be in every scene.

The overuse of what's become known in the film world as "9-11 imagery." This doesn't mean you can't knockdown a building but knocking down tons of full buildings from street level with a shaky cam while you watch people running from the debri and scattering into side shops and alleys is conjuring up way the wrong imagery and emotions. I wanted to have fun at a Superman movie, not be reminded terrorists want to kill me. Nolan f'd up there with Rises too but not as bad as Zack in this. Avengers by comparison doesn't make me think 9-11 while actually showing the real New York attacked.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I liked Krypton in MoS a lot, it's not so far from some comic book representations, fauna included, I liked it more than STM Krypton.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I liked the way Krypton looked in theory. The planet was cool for a second while Crowe looked out over the landscape and than it turned into Attack of the Clones all the sudden.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Well, it sure looked a lot different from anything I've seen in Starwars to me, ships included, just cause it was orange maybe :lol but it makes sense, they live under red giant.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

So how should have the superman movie been? We complained that the last movie did not have enough action and now there is to much action. Crap its sad when the Superman Cartoon is more exciting then the last 3 superman movies. True it did not make Avengers money but I suppose it takes time to get people interested again.

At first I was against this Batman verses Superman idea as I only wanted a movie on superman and his villains but considering that they are moving forward why not include Batman as he is always popular and reintroduce him with out the need for a full back story. And this is smart move on DC as they are getting as close to team up movie as they can with out having to introduce all the characters in their own separate movies. I would like to see them shoot more then one movie back to back as they really need to get at least one movie out a year to stay on peoples mind
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Why do people even list having a problem with the tornado scene at this point in time? Has there ever been anything at all on this forum more universally agreed upon as being inept at best and weirdly stupid at worse? I would think its an assumed when speaking about MoS by now. I can't remember anyone trying to defend it in any thread. :lol
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

So how should have the superman movie been? We complained that the last movie did not have enough action and now there is to much action. Crap its sad when the Superman Cartoon is more exciting then the last 3 superman movies. True it did not make Avengers money but I suppose it takes time to get people interested again.

At first I was against this Batman verses Superman idea as I only wanted a movie on superman and his villains but considering that they are moving forward why not include Batman as he is always popular and reintroduce him with out the need for a full back story. And this is smart move on DC as they are getting as close to team up movie as they can with out having to introduce all the characters in their own separate movies. I would like to see them shoot more then one movie back to back as they really need to get at least one movie out a year to stay on peoples mind

WB should take a huge page from their cartoon divisions, plenty of kick *** stuff out there for them to draw from. :clap
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

WB should take a huge page from their cartoon divisions, plenty of kick *** stuff out there for them to draw from. :clap

Yeah at least for the next Superman Movie I would like to see them adapt the Death and Return of Superman and to the critics please tell me how that is going to be done with out it being all dark.

So the main criticisms are to much death in the end, why did he not try to save people and finally did he have to snap his neck cause you know superman always finds a way. Yes because it was with in his power to stop all that after all he is superman he can do anything like fly around the world and reverse time ;)
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Two years is a long time. But then again it's a short time. But then again..

Ah, I'll come back to this thread in two years. As of now can't see anything that would get me excited for MOS2 or SVSB or JLA or whatever they decide to call it.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Classic costume is back in ASM2.
Who cares? It's still Webb's movie about "some ****** and his problems" vs Brolectro, Rinozoid, Green Gollum, whatever.

Making it more appealing visually is just a way to draw attention of those who didn't liked previous instalment.
There's no idea behind it now, it is purely for marketing.

:lol :lol :lol
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

^^^ u saw it 3 times, i hope the production / edit team would see it 3 times before releasing, the results would be much better :(

Stupid stuff:

1) tornado scene
2) too much of jor el ghost talking
3) if i were zor, i would first injure any Adams to make sups suffer, no clue how she can roam around everywhere and not a stone falls on her
4) billion dollar satellite scene...what a stupid joke
5) i personally felt that "he is so hot" was like, we have to fit it in cause so far no one is feeling it
6) too much of matrix 2 .... Neo vs agent smith battle (zor vs sups) . Avengers had one Loki smash and it was bigger than the 1000 smashes we saw in mos.
7) jor el beats zor but he is standing there like an idiot and gets caught off guard by that lightning lethal stab by zor and dies ... Wow!
8) the glasses disguise scene

I can list a lot more...

:lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly::goodpost:
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Why do people even list having a problem with the tornado scene at this point in time? Has there ever been anything at all on this forum more universally agreed upon as being inept at best and weirdly stupid at worse? I would think its an assumed when speaking about MoS by now. I can't remember anyone trying to defend it in any thread. :lol

Gaspar initially said he found it moving. He's also still defending the Kotex. :lecture
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Yeah at least for the next Superman Movie I would like to see them adapt the Death and Return of Superman and to the critics please tell me how that is going to be done with out it being all dark.

So the main criticisms are to much death in the end, why did he not try to save people and finally did he have to snap his neck cause you know superman always finds a way. Yes because it was with in his power to stop all that after all he is superman he can do anything like fly around the world and reverse time ;)

I think most Donner-Supes fans would admit that the time reversal thing is that continuity's Tornado scene.

But as for the death of Superman, I don't see why it couldn't have been done in the likes of the Donner-verse. Look at the scene in Superman Returns where Lex and his thugs kick the $h!t out of a Superman and then stab him in the back with kryptonite - that was pretty 'dark' and quite effective. Having him 'die' at the hands of a big CGI monster wouldn't be much of a stretch beyond that especially since we know he doesn't really die.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I think most Donner-Supes fans would admit that the time reversal thing is that continuity's Tornado scene.

But as for the death of Superman, I don't see why it couldn't have been done in the likes of the Donner-verse. Look at the scene in Superman Returns where Lex and his thugs kick the $h!t out of a Superman and then stab him in the back with kryptonite - that was pretty 'dark' and quite effective. Having him 'die' at the hands of a big CGI monster wouldn't be much of a stretch beyond that especially since we know he doesn't really die.

I agree with this, but the time reversal scene isn’t on the same level as the tornado scene. That scene is just really funny, especially for a movie thats supposed to be “grounded”.