Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

:exactly: And his redemption was swift

Much obliged. I couldn't imagine a fate worse than an eternity in The Phantom Zone. Oh wait, I can.


Look, they get along so well! It's like he doesn't want to hurt him!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

batman became popular with the 89 craze and the lack of any good other superhero movie in its wake.

The Bad superman movies that came after...
The failed attempts at producing a decent Spidey movie before the original trilogy...

As a matter of fact, Batman's popularity was lucky to survive schumacher's movies at all. Nolan came just in time to rekindle the flame. Superman wasn't so lucky. It's been a long time without decent movies carrying his name, so much so that for many, Supes has become synonymous with crap. Actually, even Thoth I'm sure that capitalizing on BAtman movies that don't carry the name batman in their titles was part of it, but don't you think it's strange that the first Supes movie in a long time wasn't even called Superman? Like they were ashamed of the name!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I want to say its awesome that Captain America appears to be more popular than Superman, Spider-Man, and the X-Men (in the US anyway) but I know its just due to the pendulum swing of Cap being on the rise at the same time that Spidey and Superman are on a bit of a decline.

It's interesting to imagine "what if" and picture Raimi's Spider-Man, CA:TWS, MOS and DOFP all coming out in 2002 instead of just Spider-Man. I wonder what would have come out on top? I'm inclined to think DOFP. X-Men was a nice appetizer in 2000 and I think that stadium and future scenes might have been too much for Spidey, Cap and Supes to compete with. Of course patriotism has all the rage the summer after 9/11 so maybe it would have still been TWS.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I want to say its awesome that Captain America appears to be more popular than Superman, Spider-Man, and the X-Men (in the US anyway) but I know its just due to the pendulum swing of Cap being on the rise at the same time that Spidey and Superman are on a bit of a decline.

It's interesting to imagine "what if" and picture Raimi's Spider-Man, CA:TWS, MOS and DOFP all coming out in 2002 instead of just Spider-Man. I wonder what would have come out on top? I'm inclined to think DOFP. X-Men was a nice appetizer in 2000 and I think that stadium and future scenes might have been too much for Spidey, Cap and Supes to compete with. Of course patriotism has all the rage the summer after 9/11 so maybe it would have still been TWS.

It's odd that people hold Superman's Goody Two-Shoes image against him, but not Cap. Could he be too powerful, is that the problem? Or are we just more cynical nowadays?
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Do people hold Superman's nature against him? Because I thought a big part of people's problem with MOS was that he WASN'T that good, or that at the very least he picked the worst possible times to be a smug jerk.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I want to say its awesome that Captain America appears to be more popular than Superman, Spider-Man, and the X-Men (in the US anyway) but I know its just due to the pendulum swing of Cap being on the rise at the same time that Spidey and Superman are on a bit of a decline.

It's interesting to imagine "what if" and picture Raimi's Spider-Man, CA:TWS, MOS and DOFP all coming out in 2002 instead of just Spider-Man. I wonder what would have come out on top? I'm inclined to think DOFP. X-Men was a nice appetizer in 2000 and I think that stadium and future scenes might have been too much for Spidey, Cap and Supes to compete with. Of course patriotism has all the rage the summer after 9/11 so maybe it would have still been TWS.

I don't think Cap is more popular than Supes though.

People used to say Cap 2 would be Cap's moment, and that it'd put him as the head of the MCU and he'd replace RDJ.

Well that did not happen at all.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

My biggest bias is against Supermen who aren't CR. I think the problem that most people had with MOS was that Hopeman carried so much emotional baggage. He was so neurotic. He was Charlie Brown in tights.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well that's hard to say right now. Whedon of all people was never going to put Cap ahead of his boy Stark. We'll have to see how things go after AoU.

Well, the audience didn't seem to adopt him either, I think Hydra got more attention than Cap :lol Not to mention they made Falcon the new cap.

Which, along with making Thor a woman, sucks.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't think Cap is more popular than Supes though.

People used to say Cap 2 would be Cap's moment, and that it'd put him as the head of the MCU and he'd replace RDJ.

Well that did not happen at all.

It's all a matter of opinion. Some people will a bigger fan of a character, and others will be a bigger fan of other characters. The same goes for the actors that portray them. You have people that prefer the Iron Man/RDJ, and people that prefer Captain America/Chris Evans. Some people may feel that Cap 2 was Cap's moment, and that he is more prominent then RDJ. When Batman vs. Superman comes out, there will be those that feel that Superman/Henry Cavill is the head of the DC verse, and there will be those that feel that Batman/Ben Affleck is the head of the DC verse. It's all matter of opinion. Opinions are like @$$holes's, everyone has one.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's all a matter of opinion. Some people will a bigger fan of a character, and others will be a bigger fan of other characters. The same goes for the actors that portray them. You have people that prefer the Iron Man/RDJ, and people that prefer Captain America/Chris Evans. Some people may feel that Cap 2 was Cap's moment, and that he is more prominent then RDJ. When Batman vs. Superman comes out, there will be those that feel that Superman/Henry Cavill is the head of the DC verse, and there will be those that feel that Batman/Ben Affleck is the head of the DC verse. It's all matter of opinion. Opinions are like @$$holes's, everyone has one.

That's not a matter of opinion though.

I can say Supes is the best superhero ever, that's an opinion.

But for instance, saying Batman is more popular than Superman, that is a fact, more people like Bats than Supes as of now, it's quantifiable.

I'm not going say Supes is more popular than Cap because I really don't know.

But either Cap or Supes being more popular, that'd be factual information.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

That's not a matter of opinion though.

I can say Supes is the best superhero ever, that's an opinion.

But for instance, saying Batman is more popular than Superman, that is a fact, more people like Bats than Supes as of now, it's quantifiable.

I'm not going say Supes is more popular than Cap because I really don't know.

But either Cap or Supes being more popular, that'd be factual information.

You can find surveys that say Superman is more popular then Batman, and vice versa. The "quantifiable information" can go either way. So that can be taken with a grain of salt. Characters, regardless of how "popular" they may be considered will have different impacts on every individual. People have Batman as their favorite super hero for whatever reasons, and the same goes for Superman, Iron Man, Captain America, and on and on the list goes.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

You can find surveys that say Superman is more popular then Batman, and vice versa. The "quantifiable information" can go either way. So that can be taken with a grain of salt. Characters, regardless of how "popular" they may be considered will have different impacts on every individual. People have Batman as their favorite super hero for whatever reasons, and the same goes for Superman, Iron Man, Captain America, and on and on the list goes.

I don't know, there's a lot to go by, Batman live action movies, series, animated series, animated movies, toys, comicbook sales, merchandise in general, trending topics on the interwebz, even memes are a popularity flag, everything Batman has more and more "fans"/followers/buyers than any other superhero.

If you really wanted to, you could count how many ppl like Batman vs how many like Superman, that's what I mean with quantifiable, not obscure internet surveys.

Everything points to Batman being the most popular, but of course I don't have the ultimate research to back up that claim.

Superman is my favorite, but I'm not sure many people would argue Batman is not the most popular.

Maybe I'm wrong, who knows.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

No, wait, something's missing.... Oh, right!:

Who cares? Dey lunch boxes stickers and life sucks!

Ahhh, now it's enlightening.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

"I want to shove Batman and Superman's ***** down my throat. They're the bestest heroes in the world and everyone's favoritists!"

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Italics and quotations typically mean quotes.

Also, I agree with you that the only merit these superheroes have is to sell lunch box, stickers, coloring books and toys. That doesn't mean life has to suck though, bro, coloring books and stickers are fun. I loved me some colorforms as a kid.

You alright, Fabs? You seem to be full o' piss and vinegar. At least more so than usual.

I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a rollin'!