*BEWARE SPOILERS* Deadpool & Wolverine (July 26th, 2024)

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Disney is going to have to thread the eye of the needle here because if this movie is just merely GOOD, the MCU is dead!

Even if this movie is GREAT, sorry MCU is dead!

This movie literally has to be FREAKING AMAZING!

This movie has to be a combination of TWS, CW, Avengers 1, IW and GOTG3 as in it has to be as if all of those were combined into one single amazing experience!

Yikes lol

Fans will accept nothing less.

Not the fault of the fans either so don’t even go there Disney did this to themselves.

They made their own bed of nails pushing their ridiculous agendas and now they have to lay in it and get themselves out of their hole.

Everything is riding on this ONE SINGLE MOVIE, will they be able to do it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Literally at the end of the movie if fans say:

“Ok, that was good!”



“OK, that was great!”


They literally have to say:

“Ok, now that was AMAZING!”

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Marvel definitely saving every character in their roster for the final portal entrance in Secret Wars for the giant climatic battle which is going to be significantly bigger than EG.
Like the Endgame portal scene times a thousand!

Disney is going to have to thread the eye of the needle here because if this movie is just merely GOOD, the MCU is dead!

Even if this movie is GREAT, sorry MCU is dead!

This movie literally has to be FREAKING AMAZING!

This movie has to be a combination of TWS, CW, Avengers 1, IW and GOTG3 as in it has to be as if all of those were combined into one single amazing experience!

Yikes lol

Fans will accept nothing less.

Not the fault of the fans either so don’t even go there Disney did this to themselves.

They made their own bed of nails pushing their ridiculous agendas and now they have to lay in it and get themselves out of their hole.

Everything is riding on this ONE SINGLE MOVIE, will they be able to do it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Literally at the end of the movie if fans say:

“Ok, that was good!”



“OK, that was great!”


They literally have to say:

“Ok, now that was AMAZING!”

I have a strong feeling you may not like this one. Idk. I just feel like it msy let ya down.
I have a strong feeling you may not like this one. Idk. I just feel like it msy let ya down.
Well Disney needs to work harder and yes SMARTER for our dollar.

They want loyalty yet they force agendas.

The fans have spoken loud and clear.

Make amazing stories free of lecturing and concentrate on character and world building and the fans will return the favor 10 fold we all buy expensive collectibles afterall.

Fans don’t care if it’s a female character or a minority no one is demanding a white Blade or Black Panther or a white male replacing Black Widow just make quality stories without telling me I suck.

Keep pandering and suffer the consequences.

Make compelling stories with stakes and thrills and we will support.

They need to knock this one out of the park zero eye rolling cringe pandering and actually respect these characters they own, so dumb not too.
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They want loyalty yet they force agendas.

Hey, some of us like those agendas! :wink1:

Fans don’t care if it’s a female character or a minority no one is demanding a white Blade or Black Panther or a white male replacing Black Widow just make quality stories without telling me I suck.

On a more serious note, what films have actually said that males suck? I know KK has her wonderful inclusive t-shirts and a lot of recent movies have been more women inclusive/progressive/whatever, but show me the dialogue. If certain messages are inferred and some viewers assume they are referring to them, surely that's on the viewer?

I'm not as sensitive to this stuff, so maybe it's all loaded with 'you suck' and I just let it pass me by because they aren't talking about me.
I thought the MCU was already dead lol
For quite a while now LOL ... they don't have the writers or the actors and production values haven't been great.

For me personally, the run from Iron Man to Endgame is currently feeling 'dated' and won't feel 'nostalgic' for a while. The rest of their content I haven't found resonant in any way.
I hear it time and time again, the films are attacking white males, yet I'm not seeing that. I see characters being changed up, I hear a lot of waffle on red carpets and interviews, but I've never seen a film that attacks men.
I hear it time and time again, the films are attacking white males, yet I'm not seeing that. I see characters being changed up, I hear a lot of waffle on red carpets and interviews, but I've never seen a film that attacks men.
I see a lot sloppy content but I don't think I've seen any overt attacks, but 'agenda' is an over-used go-to term, in my opinion.

I think demographics are shifting and Disney's pointing at that, but they're easy targets because the writing etc. is very weak. Corporations don't have a moral compass, the only agenda they have is profit. Which they appear to be failing at, but I haven't bothered looking at their profit reports.
I hear it time and time again, the films are attacking white males, yet I'm not seeing that. I see characters being changed up, I hear a lot of waffle on red carpets and interviews, but I've never seen a film that attacks men.
I see them focusing on characters and stories that no one gives a **** about.
I see them focusing on characters and stories that no one gives a **** about.
Well not no one, but clearly not enough people to justify dedicating a stand alone series or movie to them. It's understandable that they didn't want to rush out their versions of X-Men and F4 - distancing them from previous iterations that people either tired of (Fox's X-Men) or despised (the last F4) and gradually building interest in their MCU revivals seemed a good call at the time. But in terms of quality their Disney+ shows have definitely had more misses lately (Secret Invasion, Echo, She-Hulk) than hits (Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel), and they severely overestimated the appeal of The Marvels. Add Jonathan Majors throwing a giant wrench in their Kang plans going forward (maybe a good thing?) and they definitely seem to be in scramble mode right now. But hey if this movie is as fun as the previous two Deadpool flicks (and that's ALL it needs to be @jye4ever) that's a good first step, then bring us some quality F4 with Dr. Doom and then the X-Men and they'll have righted the ship.


Well not no one, but clearly not enough people to justify dedicating a stand alone series or movie to them. It's understandable that they didn't want to rush out their versions of X-Men and F4 - distancing them from previous iterations that people either tired of (Fox's X-Men) or despised (the last F4) and gradually building interest in their MCU revivals seemed a good call at the time. But in terms of quality their Disney+ shows have definitely had more misses lately (Secret Invasion, Echo, She-Hulk) than hits (Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel), and they severely overestimated the appeal of The Marvels. Add Jonathan Majors throwing a giant wrench in their Kang plans going forward (maybe a good thing?) and they definitely seem to be in scramble mode right now. But hey if this movie is as fun as the previous two Deadpool flicks (and that's ALL it needs to be @jye4ever) that's a good first step, then bring us some quality F4 with Dr. Doom and then the X-Men and they'll have righted the ship.


This movie is literally carrying Marvel on its shoulders.

It can’t just be good.

I mean think about it they’re talking about the next Avengers movie, ok who the hell are the Avengers now nobody knows! :slap

The road to the next Avengers movie is litered with poor world building.
If I said Black Adam was playing as the Rock, then Deadpool is playing as Ryan Reynolds and not the other way around. Ryan Reynolds has typecasted himself into a certain character. Much like I only see the Rock and not the character, it's the same with Reynolds.

I think what Jye is hoping for what this movie should be is too high of an expectation. It's Deadpool. At best, it's an entertaining, funny movie. I'm not expecting any depth to it. It's not going to lift the MCU up. It'll just buy them a little bit of time.
This movie is literally carrying Marvel on its shoulders.

It can’t just be good.

I mean think about it they’re talking about the next Avengers movie, ok who the hell are the Avengers now nobody knows! :slap

The road to the next Avengers movie is litered with poor world building.
IMO they need to get back to basics - start with one good movie (with appealing, relatable characters), then another and so on. If they do that the Avengers lineup will sort itself out.
Well Disney needs to work harder and yes SMARTER for our dollar.

They want loyalty yet they force agendas.

The fans have spoken loud and clear.

Make amazing stories free of lecturing and concentrate on character and world building and the fans will return the favor 10 fold we all buy expensive collectibles afterall.

Fans don’t care if it’s a female character or a minority no one is demanding a white Blade or Black Panther or a white male replacing Black Widow just make quality stories without telling me I suck.

Keep pandering and suffer the consequences.

Make compelling stories with stakes and thrills and we will support.

They need to knock this one out of the park zero eye rolling cringe pandering and actually respect these characters they own, so dumb not too.
I've never really understood what is meant by 'forcing agendas'. I get that they gender swapped D- and E-list characters to make the stories a bit less man heavy and that made some people mad. I'm a bit on the fence about that. Why use the name Taskmaster at all if the character has nothing in common with Taskmaster except a variation on his powers? Are they planning a Mandarin move again? We had a similar issue with the main villain in the Marvels. Is it pushing an agenda though or is it the age old sexist trope of having girl on girl action as the finale, possibly due to the perceived negative connotations about having a man beat on a woman?

Is it considered pushing an agenda just featuring a character who is different - so is Professor X pushing the disabled agenda? Is it pushing an agenda when the terrorists are right wing such as Hydra? Or when they are left wing like the Flag Smashers? Is it pushing an agenda when the actors decide to retire and the writers must decide whether to risk a re-cast or to move down the food chain to see if any of the B- and C-list characters might capture the imagination of viewers, just as Guardians of the Galaxy did?

Is it really pushing an agenda or is it just that people don't pay attention when 90% of a story chimes with their beliefs (such as Matt Murdock being Catholic) but sit up and start ranting if they see something that doesn't chime with their beliefs (such as Ms Marvel being Muslim)?

I don't know the answer but, apart from that moment where the women lined up to protect Spiderman, which felt very contrived compared to when the women lined up to beat down Stormfront in the Boys, I can't say that I have seen any particular agendas. She Hulk is much maligned, but they took the piss out of men, women, mainstream media, social media, dating apps, new age therapies, the ludicrous state of the US legal system, super hero tropes, bridezillas, and Marvel writers. Is it the fact that men were the target of humour at all that is unacceptable? She Hulk could hand the Wrecking Crew their asses in the comics too (but I am hoping they come back as more credible villains after a Power Broker treatment in the future). Thor Love and Thunder was one of the weaker entries for me because they crossed the line to cheesier forced humour and dodgy spoof characterisation of the deities, not because it had a female Thor - she was one of the better parts of the movie.

I don't know the answers, I'm just trying to get a sense of what people actually mean when they use the soundbite of 'agendas'. Another thing I see, is people criticising poor writing, without giving any guidance about which parts were poor or what changes would have made it better.